The Owners - FSG

Or £4:50 and a pack of Skips plus Origi for somebody as good at CB as our captain who needs to play in midfield. A deal is possible for somebody, anybody who can lace up their boots for 90 minutes and head the ball. We are one injury away from serious trouble. Right now Skrtel and Sakho would be starting at CB with Fabinho and Henderson further forward.

I don’t think any sane person is shouting for a £50m starting player but for bob’s sake lets have a piece of duct tape.


Can lace up their boots and head the ball is Nat Phillips. If you want someone who can just nut the ball away, then he is fine.

The problem is that if you want to solve problems with a centre back, to need to be aspiring to slightly more than can lace up their boots and head the ball.

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It was a turn of phrase, you know what I mean.


The ‘Just get me any cunt with two legs and a pair of boots’ is Sokratis if it’s true we really have made contact. The issue is 100% about money I’m just confused why you’re arguing against that. Lots of clubs are in financial dire straits and Klopp has said it’s about money not targets being unavailable. If we really have made an approach for Sokratis it shows exactly how desperate we are and that we have way low expectations on standard/quality but can’t even do minimal deals or loan signing a we are reduced to bosman deals. FSG may well be reporting a loss this financial year. They have backing and resources that will not harm them or us too negatively moving forward. However if we don’t move now and something happens to Fabinho we probably won’t even make Europe for next year. Along with destroying the confidence and reputation of lads like Williams and Phillips (already starting in Williams case). The loss in revenues from not making Europe will far exceed the additional losses of adding a CB to this year’s financial losses but FSG seem to be taking the view that Klopp may succeed without and may not succeed with so why should they take that additional financial risk/burden? Hence why it seems the football people are doing everything they can through media to put pressure on them to change their minds.


If people had to write all their posts, their handwriting would have improved immensely over last couple of days.


What is the difference? I’ve said there is no-one available at a price we can afford?

I see cost and availability as two sides of the same coin. If money was no object, then we can sign whoever we want. But we can’t.

When I say there is no-one available, I obviously mean at a price we can do. You can’t separate the two.

If you have no money to spend, then pretty much nobody is available.

It shows that we don’t have any money to spend.

That’s massive conjecture on your part. Klopp and Edwards don’t need to pressure Henry through journalists to get what they want. They’ll pick up the phone and have a chat. They are grown ups. To be frank if anyone in a senior position at the club is briefing the press to pressure the owners, that is infinitely more worrying that not signing a centre back.

Also Henry won’t give a flying fuck what Pearce tweets.

Pearce is tweeting his opinion. Nothing more.


You’re being quite naive. Yes it is worrying that it has to happen but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. And actually FSG have a history of backing down on financial decisions when it hasn’t gone well with the fans. Ticket price increases (more than once), furlough of staff, naming rights a few off top of my head.


No they aren’t.


You’re right. FSG hate bad PR and that has led to them backing down more often not when they’ve made unpopular decisions. It’s good that the usual journo suspects are running these stories because it is applying pressure and I hope it makes them see sense.


:grin: Yeah, my question was somewhat rhetorical, but great to have confirmation. Thanks. :+1:

The fundamental problem that I see with what appears to be FSG’s rule of fiscal prudence is the very obvious one - there is a pandemic. Countless numbers of businesses are under intense pressure. Being extremely efficient with resources is one way to get through that. However, the simple fact of the matter is that organizations that can invest now are in a position to gain ground/market share/presence, those that cannot or do not are at severe risk of losing the same.

Unless you are in the delivery business like Amazon, you are facing difficult choices. The disciplined logic of 2019 might, just might, need to be adjusted to deal with unprecedented circumstances.


Fairly sure that scouts are still allowed to attend games.


The other option, which is the one most people are speculating on, is that the recruitment team HAS. Done thier job, HAS identified a target but it might require the ownership group to inject capital.

Just for clarity; I doubt there is anything lined up, I understand the reasons why as explained by others, but I think it’s worth having a little sook over, it all comes back to is being a football club who have moved mountains to get where we are, feels like ( and please don’t highlight this as it is a bit melodramatic) we are just waving the white flag

Whatever will be will be.


What Arminius said in post 342

Where’s the injected capital money, John.


I would be shocked if they haven’t.

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I think the difference is mascot is referring to something in budget where as others are speculating it’s only doable out of our usual budgets.

It’s all guesswork really

One things for sure though, if the recruitment team had the perfect candidate in the budget range I recon the lean would have happened by now.

So it boils down to whether there’s a player available which is by no means a given but you can imagine it’s not IMPOSSIBLE that there’s no club out there willing to sell, and whether you think the club should be aggressive in the market.

And you’re being a condescending. So how about you try and play the ball and not the man.

I just listened to the whole unfiltered and in context Klopp quote on the Anfield Wrap‘S free show, and there is nothing in his quote to suggest he is putting one on the owners. If you are minded to think the owners are being negligent, then yeah, you’ll find that narrative in there. But basically Klopp is saying I want a Centre Back, but I’m not in charge of the money and the money isn’t there.

I don’t know if the Journo’s are being briefed to pressure the owners. I think it’s a leap to assume they are, and I think if you think John Henry won’t take being publicly pressured by Klopp very badly, then you are the one who is being naive. My only point on this is if that’s what is happening, and I personally doubt it is, then centre back is the least of our problems. We’re going to end up looking for new manager.

To play fantasy John Henry for a minute - and this is only partly Devil’s Advocate - if Klopp was hassling me to release £30m for new centre back I don’t think I could resist saying ‘Look sunshine, in the summer you wanted £40m for a new attacker, and despite the club being financially fucked, we found you that money. You went and played him in a meaningless game and fucked his knee for three months. So don’t start playing the cunt and briefing the fucking press that I’m a tight-arse, thank you very much’.

Not that I think that’s happening :slightly_smiling_face:

The bottom line is that we fans have no idea what is going on. FSG are under no obligation to tell us anything. It’s a given right now that the financial picture is really bad. For all we know FSG are already having to pump in cash just to keep the lights on. For all we know Edwards is in delicate negations over financing, and we need to keep reinforcing the message we’re skint.

You know I want us to sign a centre back. I’d be doing everything I can to get that done. I don’t like the assumption - on the basis of such little information - that the people at the club aren’t already doing this. There are people absolutely fucking fuming, throwing around baseless accusations, demanding they sell, abusing Henry on Twitter. Even on here lads calling them incompetent, negligent, arrogant etc It fucking stinks.

By the way, The Anfield Wrap’s free show did a good 30mins on this. Well worth listening to. Very balanced, more in line with your opinion than mine, but at least considering the issues more broadly and intelligently than some of the hysteria knocking around.


I think the problem FSG have is that Klopp is quite possibly the only manager in the world who could have achieved what he has under the financial restrictions he is operating under.

And even he, now, needs more help than their operating set up will give. They’re not giving it and it’s clearly pissed Klopp off for him to say anything in public, he just doesn’t do that. Make no mistake as angry, disappointed and frustrated as he will have come across he will be more so away from the media.

So what do FSG do? Stick to their guns even though it may lead to a soured relationship with the one manager who can bring them success? It could well lead to costing them well over £50m in next year’s revenue if they gamble on his ability to handle it and they’re wrong. That’s an expensive gamble and might put their carefully cultivated sporting project back several years. If it does I seriously doubt we retain some of our top stars and doubt Klopp extends his deal any further. We still stand a chance of the remaining part of Klopps reign being a time when we truly dominate English football.

Or do they break their usual restraints and find a way to back him? It’s a terrible time to have to find finances, the club could already be operating at a loss. There’s not even any guarantee that if they were to find finances to back Klopp that it will have the desired impact or that the desired impact is even required. We could be fine without adding a CB and we might not be fine still even with adding one. Gambling on losing more money when they may already be set to lose money on an unsure thing probably screams against every instinct they have as business men.

But here’s the thing. The possible downsides of not acting seem to me to far outstrip the possible down sides of acting. It takes strength to listen to experts on something you aren’t an expert in and even publicly Klopp has had to admit bringing a CB in would help stabilise us. You can bet everything you own that he’d be stronger worded in private! There’s a saying that sometimes in business you have to spend money to make money. In this case it’s more we have to take a hit to secure future revenue.

FSG can’t do much to help with what’s happening on the pitch. But they can provide the boost of showing they listen to and back Klopp no matter how bad the circumstances and timing are. Give the fans and players the morale boost of a new player coming in to help a position in dire need of reinforcing. Give Klopp every tool they can to succeed. They’re literally up shit creek if he fails anyway may as well go “all in” (although that’s just dramatic speech it isn’t even likely to be all that expensive a piece of business).


If no new player comes in right now, it’s simply that the right one isn’t available. There’s certainly no reason to lose sleep over it.

Klopp is used to make do with what he has at disposal anyway, he has done it his whole career before fsg gave him some shiny, ready-made toys to play with in the last couple of years. But player development is and stays the basis of what he does best, and deep down, he must love it… throwing the youngsters in and all… :wink: