The Owners - FSG

Which you weigh against stopping an opponent take a continent. Pretty good analogy right now :slight_smile:


The problem we face is that historically we have been almost entirely reliant upon player sales and surpluses from turnover to fund acquisitions.

Given the loss of other revenues our reliance of generating funds from player sales will increase, not diminish. So even if a host of players become available at bargain basement prices we wonā€™t be in a position to exploit the market, not unless FSG revises its funding model for Liverpool.


Once Leicester and Tottenham have to fight a two-front war, theyā€™ll never be able to hold!


Everton donā€™t and nether do Chelsea, canā€™t rely on other teams continuing to drop points we need to solve it on the field in some way hence my suggestions elsewhere that have been dismissed.

Anyhow as for the regionalisation of the leagues thatā€™s a good point, what baffles me is why teams continue to set games at 7pm or 8pm in an evening surely the revenue being pulled in through live stream isnā€™t covering the cost of heating a ground and getting it right along with the floodlights and so on.

Wouldnā€™t it be better with most people at home to just play them in the afternoon and save on the floodlights at least and additional heating (People would still watch them) . I assume they start preparation for a match roughly at the same time as a weekend so if you played it at 2pm or 1.30pm then youā€™d avoid those additional costs.

If TV is involved fair enough but when the only coverage is your own website broadcasting I really donā€™t see why more clubs havenā€™t moved them to earlier.


Thats another huge issue FSG face regarding the transfer window,with so many clubs taking massive financial losses and owing money,the transfer market itself will probably look a lot different in the not too distant future,with clubs needing to offload players at a much lower cost to what we know now,just so they can pay bills and wages.

Knowing who and when sparks it all off is an unknown right now but itā€™s coming,there is no way things can stay as they are (iā€™m still surprised players havenā€™t been made or asked to take a wage cut) this bubble was always going to burst.

We were in the right place at the right time when the Neymar/PSG transfer feeā€™s went through the roof,when we bought Salah for roughly Ā£40mill a month before it happened,then sold Coutinho for the new inflated fees.Now FSG are probably looking at it happening again but the other way around,thats probably why they wont invest in players atm (even though they now owe Ā£60mill for Jota/Thiago) when those players could now be worth half that.I think they are now going to play a waiting game before jumping feet first into the market again.


I also think we had got our house in order it will hit us hard and the re-development of said the Anfield Road end will now probably be put back on development of the squad, I would say this squad has about 3 years in it and we will probably make 4-5 signings over the periods to come but I canā€™t now see us cashing in on the likes of Salah and Mane.

If this had happened 2-3 years ago then Iā€™d be worried.

Also I doubt we will be doing an overseas tour

Yes, I canā€™t see the redevelopment of Annie Rd happening.

Likewise, as much as fans might not like it, I think Anfield naming rights might be back on the table soon. To be perfectly honestly if Covid really does knock Ā£200m of expected income, then I donā€™t think there is a sensible argument against it.

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My view is we get investment, it might not be now but once COV19 is over, based on what FSG have achieved to date as the ā€œthis is what you will winā€ typeā€¦ Something like Ā£200mil for 10%.

This will inject the cash for the ARE and player spending.

The Billy Bean one might have gone away but shows itā€™s something we are looking for it.

That word ā€œsensibleā€ will be put to a strenuous test should this rear its head. Personally Iā€™m all for it. Iā€™d love an athletics/games company to come in and we could have the ā€œTrack Anfieldā€ stadium.

For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™d be all against it, nothing has changed there. A daft idea for some quick money.

I prefer the long term option of being prudent and not spending money which isnā€™t there (which is obviously fsgā€™s course), and to keep our Anfield free from any multinational companyā€™s name.

Letā€™s not forget that sooner or later, covid-19 will be over and people will get back around the grounds watching football. With the hundreds of millions vaccines ordered by your government, and the quickness of vaccination in the UK, that could happen sooner than we might think right now.

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I mentioned it before but what I would do is give naming rights for the area around Anfield. It now has quite a sizeable footprint. Call it the Standard Chartered Sports Park or something. Leave the Anfield name alone, being associated with that carries its own value. So Anfield Stadium would then sit within the Standard Chartered Sports Park, for example. Win win.


Thatā€™s fine. But if the projection is that Covid will have wiped Ā£200m off revenue, then we simply canā€™t get pissy when the big signings donā€™t materialise. We canā€™t have it both ways

Over the next year, weā€™re faced with the need to agree new contracts for half the first team, fund a mini rebuild with no saleable assets and the market collapsed anyway, and work out what do as a few really attractive players become available.

I think we are going to need a significant injection of cash over the next year just to keep the team together and refresh the bits that need refreshing.

I totally agree. You wonā€™t see me getting nervous because we donā€™t sign a CB. :wink:

Donā€™t forget borrowing 175 million quid too of HM government

ā€œ@HITH, as a suitably appointed LFC board member, weā€™d like to offer you Ā£2b per year to rename your stadium the Nike Anfield stadiumā€

Youā€™d say no?

For me the one issue thatā€™s crucial is ensuring we preserve CL football for next season.

I donā€™t want to see United move to 21 titles when we could have levelled it up, and I donā€™t want to see City crowing again, especially as they were struggling to handle us until covid turned up and undid all the good work.

If we can get a centre back, a free signing, loan signing, pay as you play, short term contract, someone to just offer a bit of extra cover, thatā€™d be great.

Personally I do believe in the tempting fate thing, or at least sodā€™s law. I believe if you tempt fate it bites you on the ass. The season we trim out the centre backs to three, is the season VVD goes down for the first time since heā€™s been here, and Gomez goes for the season.

We sign a back up this month and maybe Matip is available more than heā€™s not, we do nothing and sodā€™s law by March heā€™s out for the season.

As to FSG, theyā€™re clever men, theyā€™ll be thinking about other issues too in respect of their long term ownership of LFC.

Theyā€™ll have a good idea whatā€™s going to happen to the dollar, whether itā€™s better to hold or sell overseas assets before the dollar loses ground once it stops being the reserve currency of the world during the next few years, whether itā€™s better to cash out of assets and buy others like gold.

Maybe they think the financial system is going down and nothing matters anyway.

Theyā€™ll know better than me, but I still think that adding a decent level defender for six monthā€™s wages is a reasonable way of trying to ensure you donā€™t lose CL footie for a season.


This may sound sacrilegious but is renaming the stadium even for a few years (if finances got that bad) be such a bad thing if it kept us at the top and keeping our heads above water without taking on massive debt.What if it was a Ā£200mill 4 year deal only for example,then went back to Anfield once it ran out?? itā€™s just a name and i say that purely because iā€™m quite sure regardless of what it became,everyone would still be calling it Anfield anyway.

How many Geordies or fans of other clubs call St James Park ā€œThe Sports Direct Arenaā€?? i know i donā€™t.

I live in Cardiff and the National Stadium is that or The Millenium Stadium (or wrongly called Cardiff Arms park,which is the club ground next door),even though itā€™s now called The Principality Stadium,call it any of those first 3 names around here and everyone will know what youā€™re talking about.It hasnā€™t lost any of its soul or charm or whatever you want to call it,just because of a name change.

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The problem with renaming it is we all know there will be people that will kick off with that tooā€¦and that will cause a fracture between owners and club. It would be headline news, and bad news at that.

No matter how many millions it brings in, people will not be happy. I donā€™t think we are at ā€œbreak glass in case of emergencyā€

Interesting read the last 100 or so posts. Iā€™m still pretty calm with it all. I suspect the club have a certain package that can be made available for players, but finding the right player that fits within that package is challenging.


Suppose you could sell the stand rights, effectively got three of them and no fan is going care about it anyhow.

I would expect a sponsor to incorporate Anfield in the title but yeah the sports idea might be a good idea

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