The Owners - FSG

You make a fair point and it’s important to keep at the forefront of our minds the issues with our current ownership and the capitalist system in general which leads to people being exploited like this. I know I’m guilty of not even thinking of those kinds of situations.

Football did indeed sell it’s soul and no one can be at the top of this game, or indeed the top of the capitalist system, while being morally clean. Unfortunately we have all had to either accept this or ignore it to follow the club this far.

We all have lines in the sand though and being owned by a country (or a shell subsidiary of that country’s sovereign wealth fund) that jails gay people, uses indentured labour and suppresses the rights of its citizens is mine.

I’m going to opt out of criticising anyone who sticks with the club though, I can see perfectly how good people could continue to do it and part of me wishes I felt like I could. I probably will call those who show up at Anfield with Qatari flags and dressed like an extra from Aladdin wankers though.


I disagree but let’s not do that in this thread.

I figured you would but that’s fine.

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We’re not Newcastle fans…


I would hope we never are, even if we are taken over, I don’t think I’ll find as much fun than I’ve had in the previous 5 years.

We will just be another club bankrolled, I’d hope for the system to completely collapse one day in on itself.

I’ll probably find it hard to drag myself from the club but it probably won’t be as big as it feels nowadays.

Anyone who shows up dressed in traditional Qatari dress who evidently isn’t a Qatari and any one who waves their flag will hopefully be given short shrift.

I would hope our fan base would be more supportive to guys like those 3 lone Newcastle fans who got abuse for campaigning outside.

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Current economic turmoil?

Basically shift the money out of the country :thinking: where have I seen that before? Roman?

Being bought by a state would immeasurably lessen my interest in the sport; an interest that has been dimishing over the years with state involvement in other clubs creating an atmosphere of “whats the point?”. Sustained success or even competition requires ungodly amounts of money and turning to state based backing to keep our hopes of not falling by the wayside again is something that I am not happy with. I suppose it is what the sport at this level now, but it leaves me with an uneasy feeling.

Dont know if I’d stop watching altogether or if I would just watch less, but I certainly wouldnt be keeping up game to game if we became a state club.


Fortunately, I’m not, and thus, their problems are immaterial for me. I just hope that they keep away from LFC, that is all.


I guess FSG will be closest to the perfect owners in your eyes.

Because not everyone wants a sugar daddy doesn’t mean we don’t think the ownership currently is the best.

What is the thing that matters most to you, part of your identity what if the ownership coming in wanted that silenced and got rid of?


Far from it, but their ownership isn’t the kind that kills the joy of the sport. I would rather the frustrating ups and downs that come from flawed ownership to the soul destroying, competition ruining, sport killing version of owners that the likes of City and PSG have. Where is the merit in any of their achievements? They are shallow imitations of football teams and state ownership would turn us into the same.

Sure, in an ideal world we would have owners that were socially concious scouse trillionaires, but that aint happening.


“I am unaware that the buyer can set the terms of investment to the seller.”

No one will just hand over money so to say. A buyer can and will set the terms on their investment. FSG obviously is under no obligation to accept them however. They would obviously have to be mutually agreed. Purely all hypothetical.

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Playing FIFA on the Xbox in cheat mode.


That Ratcliff bloke put a bid in for united

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I was quite hesitant when they came in, especially after the experience with g+h, but over time, they have convinced me that they are truly excellent club owners.

  1. At the time they came in, roughly ten years ago, the club was in tatters and needed a serious rebuild. They did everything needed.
  2. After some initial errances, they brought us the best possible head coach for this club.
  3. They put the club on a firm financial footing.
  4. We won every winnable title under their watch.
  5. They expanded Anfield from 43k to 61k countenance.
  6. They brought Kirkby and Melwood together in a state-of-the-art training complex.

Anyone who has followed the club throughout the somewhat mediocre Moores era, and then the catastrophe under g+h, must come to the conclusion that they are excellent owners. No-one is perfect of course, but at this stage, I’d indeed prefer to keep them, especially if the alternative is a murderous, sports-washing regime.


whoa, don’t start talking in facts and common sense now.


Hit The Floor No GIF by The Maury Show


He can stay away…

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