The Owners - FSG

I do think any part sell will release funds, I think that’s part of the reason for doing it.

Maybe I’m naive but it’s evident they don’t want fully out but to remain competitive it needs an influx of cash.

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Yes and this could be the “risk” topic Klopp has mentioned before, but I doubt the conversation even got raised due to how well we were doing… Last summer the creeks appeared and collectively we made the wrong calls, but no-one saw this level of crash coming, so “lack of investment” is such a red herring.

As was hotly debated when news of this potential sale first got leaked, fundamentally it really wasnt any different than they had openly been acknowledging for a while - they were open to investment of some sort from the right partner. What this always said to me was strategic partnership, not just outside investment. They are a group that has focused on the benefit of vertical integrations within their parent company. With the Super League being shut down and prospects of selling their own TV rights seemingly blocked, it made sense that at that point the incentive would go up to actively search out that strategic partnership, to open up other lines of vertical integration not currently available to FSG.


And it’s very public FSG (with LeBron) want an NBA team… They need cash…

There is also another point to consider: LFC in its current state is a flagship investment for their group, especially in Europe, as well as the perfect demonstration of how they operate and their intelligence and long-term approach.

So, beyond the money which can be made here and now, I’m sure they also consider in which way keeping LFC can help them to make other acquisitions and multiply profits on other fronts. Even if the timing is right to sell in order to make top dosh with this club, they might also consider holding it further because it opens up other business opportunities (ie. deals like the one with LeBron James, buying other clubs in Europe etc.).

I think they want someone to pump some money in so they can get their investment back and LFC can also continue to dine at the top table without depleting more funds from the FSG purse… The ESL in an accepted format will happen at some point in my opinion, and they still want to be involved because of the money it will eventually generate.
They must look at that gobshite Infantino and that slime-ball called Ceferin… and with them having ‘Sharp as a Tack’ business minds, must think to themselves WTF…!
These are amateurs at best… Lets Do This.!

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However, looking at the franchises that J W Henry wants to be buy, it seems that he is going deeper into the US rather than going world-wide like maybe getting a non-UEFA football club?

I am seriously curious what does the Middle Eastern would-be owners wants to silence and get rid of in England? So far, I hadn’t seen Sheikh Mansour going up in arms when Kevin De Bruyne wears a rainbow captain’s band or take a knee in the PL?

Well, I get what you mean by competition ruining with all the big money coming into the PL. However, when that money comes in, it sorta helps other clubs in the league as well if the oil clubs needs players due to the HG quotas.

For e.g, when a player like Jack Grealish joined Man City, clubs like Aston Villa will have 100 million pounds to play with which they spread it to buy players, hopefully from other clubs within England or overseas ( and redistributing the wealth within the league as well) and do other stuff like reducing debt. This helps the league to be stay competitive.

You’re not gay though are you, fine it doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable but it makes me feel it. It’s why the dropping of the armband showed me why so much LGBTQ+ support in football is bullshit marketing.


This a hundred times over. A very easy cause to get behind until there’s a tiny issue with money then drop like a hot potato. Virtue signalling is dead easy until it might vaguely hurt your pocket, then it takes balls.

Want a brilliant example from another genre? Disney want as much diversity and inclusion as possible. Here are the USA and Chinese versions of the adverts for The Force Awakens:

As a matter of interest (I’m not going to tag anybody here but having been a member since Moses was a kid, you learn things) would any of our gay / trans members actively protest if our new owners were of the dangerous rooftop persuasion?

Sad to say but you can probably add me to that list. Football already seems exist in another universe but joining the clubs of the bottomless pit, basically becoming a version of City or Newcastle is not for me.


Even if it wasn’t for the obvious ethical and moral dilemma and even if we were owned by the cleanest most lovely billionaire ever - then just being able to go out and spend the way Man City, PSG and Chelsea do… I don’t know, just sucks the fun out of everything for me. There’s no romance.

We spend pretty heavily now but it feels in line with our standing within the game. We spent heavily because we sold our best player and reinvested the funds. Then we became successful and spent in line with our income. It feels ‘earned’. Man City doesn’t feel earned, that’s why its all so tacky and plastic. I’d hate that to be us.

Spending like Man City wouldn’t itself drive me away from the club, that’s something only the human rights concerns would drive me too, but I’d definitely not feel as engaged.


Also you’re apparently only supposed to care about their behaviour in England?


I can see John Henry walking off into the sunset with £3bn in his back pocket, looking back at European Football destroying itself, and thinking ‘you lot are fucking insane’.


@sandsoftime has a point about the eventual formation of a ESL though. If that can be pulled through, there’s a lot money to be earned. And let’s face it, after the latest FIFA and UEFA shambles, the idea has gained traction among many fans.

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Kind of disagree , although I understand what you mean, but the ESL has its flaws , I mean how would it work , especially say if it was to come into force within 5 years? How would the world’s richest club gain entry if they don’t win anything ?:grimacing:

Sure a lot of Newcastle fans would be upset that they would not be considered among the greats :joy:

Yep, it’s a total sale for me… He will continue to grow FSG with the NBA. I’d expect they’d even go back in for another club at some point…

Wonder if they’ve got nowhere with TV rights, with Werners background I always expected them to push to stop the 3pm blackout and get subscription based games streaming.