The Owners - FSG

Which is maybe a model the FA/PL should adopt.

From your knowledge, are most owners fans?

I donā€™t have that knowledge, but I would think they would be

Except the Aquiliniā€™s who own the Canucks. theyā€™re in it for they money. no fucking way that a fan of the game would make the mistakes these clowns keep making.

There is a US documentary called the Band that Wouldnt Die, about the effect on Baltimore fans after the owners moved the NFL team (Colts) to Indianapolis. It gives you a sense of the lack of fucks given once you start thinking about these as franchises rather than important parts of the community. Foreign owners are likely to miss this, but this example shows that isnt required.


100%agree with this.Been a lot of water under the bridge since 1956, and ups and downs, but still here, older but probably no wiser.None will change whoever owns the clubā€¦but criticism is another matter.

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I have friends in Balmer who stil hate the Robert Irsay with a passion for doing so, they kinda like the Ravens but the NFL will never be the same for them.

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Aye. Iā€™d be surprised is NFL is ever relevant in St Louis ever again after what Kronke did to them, and this is a city that always loyally supports its teams even when they are shit.

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Iā€™m amazed that the Orioles still have a fanbase after what the Old Angelos has done to them. Got a brand new ballpark what became the benchmark for all new ballpark and sure in first few year he tried to build a winning team by buying players like Palmeiro, Alomar while already having the one and only Ironman Cal Ripken but from 1999 when he discovers that you can much more money in letting the high priced guys go and field a team with name players who are in their autumn we were looking at losing baseball year in and year out. When Showalter came in we made the playoffs once but that was it.

Only when the Old Angelos stepped down and his son took over about 5 year ago we started to built things from the ground up with GM Mike Elias. He is a modern day GM, who believes in International and data driven scouting and now we have the number 1 farm in MLB.

Last year we made a jump from a 120 L season to a 80+ W season, this year keep your eyes out for GrayRod and next season the top FA pitching should come to the ā€˜beautifulā€™ city of Baltimore. :scream::ghost:

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2nd best revenues in the world.


Strange exaple given that the past 5/6 years are arguably the least competitive in recent history. One team dominating and another (us) challenging against the odds and only managing one league win despite setting all kinds of records. The top teams are largely the same as they have been for a good 10 years; Newcastle I imagine will become new long term fixture high up the table at the expense of one of the other top six. The two teams at the top recently have been streets ahead of the others for most of the past 5/6 years. The relegation fodder has largely been as expected. The poorer teams are wealthier than they were 10 years ago but so are the wealthier teams. The gap between wealthy and poor teams has grown. The wealthiest are still far wealthier than the poorest can dream of. The competition of the PL is a myth that exists only in the minds of those who do not look beyond Europes top 5 leagues.


Itā€™s absurd and obscene that we are now expected to fork out the equivalent of approximately 1/6 of a FYā€™s revenues for a 19 year old because a few select clubs have been allowed free hand to distort the market.

If they remain unchecked, they are going to destroy any semblance of competitiveness in football before sooner or later it all comes crashing down.

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Yep and Chelsea are now breaking it further by offering 8-9 year contracts so they can stay within FFP.

You can see why FSG want out.

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How accurate is this?

Lindaā€™s Wardrobe.

Given its not in financial years, Iā€™d assume its made up/not accurate. Swiss Ramble is a fairly trusty source on financial information.

Re. whereā€™s the money gone - itā€™s been spent (in part) on the redevelopment of Anfield and Kirkby (whether direct financing or loan repayments to the ownership).


And wagesā€¦ 62% is too high.

Hence why I continually say you canā€™t look at transfer fees in isolation.


Revenue is money coming into the club. Spending on transfers is not the only cost that a club faces.

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Where is the Deloitte money table thingy John?


So many greats of Domestic & European football in that listā€¦& then you got Spurs and West Ham.

The Man City figures are totally believable and completely legit.