The Owners - FSG

And despite us spending big on players when necessary, we still make a profit while the other big clubs are non profitable. This is what our club is about. Spending what’s necessary while ensuring we are self sustainable. We would need to appreciate the magnitude of what the club, top to bottom, has done. To be self sustainable without artificial funding from the owners and yet competing well in the last 7 years

And VVD and Alisson were previously our big spending. All other world class players we had were pretty much due to the ethos that world class players can be coached not just bought.

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Have to disagree here. Our club is about winning. That’s the purpose. We don’t want to win the “Ethically and financially best conducted club in the world” cup.

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I hate United beyond rational measure. Seeing them relegated would bring me more joy than us winning number 20. I know it’s sad, I know it’s ridiculous. Seeing them about to be owned by more money than sense makes me very, very sad.

I can agree except I think the club is about winning the right way. The club is about the underdog come good.


Why would 1 need to bring more joy over the other? Utd getting relegated to me would feel as if we’ve won number 20. I know it’s Liverpool first but certainly nothing to be ridiculed over. The chances we win 20 in the next…say 5-10 years are far greater than it would to ever see them getting relegated.

While the resources problem they don’t really have will now vanish completely, I think it is unlikely the new owners will do anything but worsen the patience problem that they do have.

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That might be the city more than the club, Some would say they’re the same thing. That would be true if we weren’t a billion pound business run for profit.

Multi-billion. :smiley:

Was giving the scale but yes.

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Have to disagree here too. I would want to win somewhat ethically. I’m not an idealist in terms of being squeaky clean but what is the point of competing if you need to be cheaters to do so???

If I need to hire lawyers (like City) to break rules in order to win the title, then I don’t want to win with that type of financial doping.

And the thing about sustainability financially is the recognition that debts cannot continually increase and it needs to be eventually paid unless you can print money like the U.S. government. Right now, spending is so unsustainable that regular billionaires are barely able to afford to fund a winning club - we need large PE or sovereign funds to do that… what next when losses accrue even more?


I remember everybody knew that petrol couldn’t go over £1 a litre. The housing market increase was unsustainable and countless other prophesies of doom due to rising prices. Pretty sure the whole footballing pyramid was going to collapse 20 years ago due to astronomical wages and transfers. Guess what.

We could soon be in a situation where pure money wins. Simple as that. Yes we’ve competed with City but Newcastle are shaping up nicely and that mob down the M62 seemingly are about to get the sweetest of sugar daddies.

I think FSG have been brilliant and I’d like them to stay IF FFP is implemented and more importantly, enforced. If not and clubs are allowed to do what they want, I’d rather sell my soul to the devil than see us become an irrelevance. Many say on here that if we sell out to “dubious” owners, they’re out. Big words. If it happens, I’d bet most would still follow the club and certainly post here. You can’t take Liverpool FC out of me by owning the club, simple as that.

If we have to cheat to win, I have some very interesting decks of cards.

FIFA and the major domestic leagues instituted cost control measures that, despite their limitations in restraining clubs flush with external funding, has providing stability to an industry that was in serious financial trouble?


City relegated yet? Chelsea’s recent spending investigated? Newcastle? You give me a rule and I’ll bend it to suit.

You have rejected the likelihood of his prediction in part by pointing to the failure of an unrelated prediction while ignoring the existence of incredibly successful measures that were put in place to stop said prediction coming true. You have responded to me pointing that out with another non-sequitur


nope. FIFA has NO control over domestic leagues, I don’t even think that fall under their domain?

as for the domestic leagues managing cost control, explain why four the 5 major leagues in Europe all have the same problem with super-rich clubs dominating those with lesser revenues, year after year? Especially when it comes to Champions League and their POT system for team placement based on reputation, so they only come up against weaker opposition purely based on reputation.

Ligue Un - PSG walks that league every year. pretty sure all of their players are the top10 in payroll for the league
La Liga - the Classico teams are top in that league perpetually. unchecked spending.
Bundesliga - one horse league. Bayern vs everyone else.
EPL - money talks

SerieA - is the only exception this year because of a fraud investigation by the Italian government, not EUFA

** edit **

what part of the football industry was unstable, aside from clubs spending beyond their means in a few rare occasions?

You are correct. Like an arse I wrote FIFA instead of UEFA.

As for the rest, you cannot use metrics FFP was not designed to affect as a measure of whether it had its intended effect. FFP and its domestic counterparts were put in place because through the late 00s there was growing concern about the overall financial state of the game across Europe. The concern was not with clubs like Chelsea or City spending money they had, but clubs like Rangers and Dinamo Zagreb spending money they didnt in a futile attempt to keep up. There was a restraining effect for clubs at the top because they still had to follow the rules (sort of), but that wasnt the goal. Nor was achieving any sort of competitive balance. However, if you look at what it was put in place to address, in the decade since it was first implemented the collective finances of the game in europe have improved dramatically with the specific fears being raised in the late 00s now largely assuaged.


if they had adopted a salary cap like NHL, or equalization payments like MLB ( and a luxury tax which trickles down to smaller clubs) then a lot of these issues would go away.

but FA and EUFA are corrupt as fuck, so they won’t impliment it.


Why is this a concern?

No-one have spent more than Utd over the last decade. Their transfer spend has been off the scales. They are going to struggle to spend more than they have, regardless of who they are owned by.

The threat from Utd would be if they ever got their act together strategy-wise. Money has little to do with it.


Let’s see what happens. It’s barely a month since they were charged.

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Smart doesn’t mean cheap, it means smart.