The Owners - FSG

Maybe BD got extra greedy and hiked the price last minute after already quoting £80m to LFC - If Bellingham stays for a further 12months surely it will mean his thread will blast through the 3000 mark before Christmas :0) -

If we won the net spend league he would ecstatic.

Also the week before we pulled out there were multiple reports from Spain saying Real Madrid due to the value.

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What if we bought three CM’s and a CB.

Consider we’re we are and we’ve been crap most of the season.

The rebuild needs stuff off the pitch as well.

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I can see three scenarios happening.

  1. If he runs down his contract for another year, Borussia Dortmund still has the right to sell him to the highest bidder. Remember, LFC ain’t the biggest fish and LFC can still be blown out by the petro-clubs and those white cunts in Spain which is not too far from the current scenario that we are facing. After nearly 6 seasons in CL in which we won one of them, we still can’t beat the petro-clubs or the white cunts in Spain in terms of money. For e.g, come June 2024, if we bid 60 million pounds with add-ons and those other competitors goes balls in with 90 to 100 million pounds, what’s the difference in terms of probability that BD accepts our offer vs the other’s offer in June 2023 and June 2024?

  2. If he does extend his contract, Bellingham and his dad will most definitely negotiate a release clause with BD. Again, BD’s involvement here will play a huge part. BD will still want a fuck ton of money to replace him and rebuild BD to win the bundesliga. There’s no way that BD will get shafted again after the Haaland deal didn’t get them as much money as they should be getting. One sure thing, the release clause will not be as low as 85 million Euros. What are the chances FSG cries poor again?

  3. Jude Bellingham runs down his contract and joins us on a free while ignoring the huge life-changing money offered by petrol-clubs and RM on June 2025 after the open courting by our players. That’s the ideal scenario that LFC is probably betting right now but shit can happen here.

While we ask him to play for a soggy cheese sandwich and packet of stale crisps every week.

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400,000 per week instead of 200,000 will make a world of difference in his quality of life.

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But Jude is also the one that makes the final decision. It will be his choice to decide who he wants to play for, and his camp have repeatedly said he has no intention of joining a petro club.


From your statement, you have assumed all those multi-billionaire folks are “The murdering gay hating slave trading oil mogul?”

There are also non-OPEC SWFs, funny that you didn’t mention that…

I rather we lose the net spend league and fair play league and win a treble in one season.

That’s assuming the CMs we bought are good enough to displace Elliott, Hendo on RCM, good enough to displace Thiago on LCM and good enough to displace Fabinho. And the CB we buy? He better be good enough to play LCB to give VVD some real competition.

I wonder how much will it all cost?

No, reading between the lines, the ideal scenario for LFC is that he joins this summer for around the £80m+ the club reportedly thought he might cost.

If the player agrees to the move.

First question I would ask is why the clubs don’t sign him this window? They appear to have squeezed us out of the bidding by raising the offers above what we can justify paying - so why would he join them next summer if he isn’t wanting to this year?

BD can’t guarantee that he will sign a new contract with any clause they want. They will not want to lose him on a free either. A clause of 85m euros is still a hell of a lot of money for a player.

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200k a week for a 4 year contract works out to be 38.4 million pounds in total. 400k a week for a 4 year contract works out to be 76.8 million pounds a week. That’s if we haven’t come onto the part on taxes. After taxes, the number could be vastly different. I’m no accountant, maybe someone can do the accounting math for us!

RM or Bayern?

Name 5 realistic alternative owners you want instead of FSG.


Which is just really poor foresight when everybody here knows this lad is gonna go for big sums in June 2023.

Which is another huge toss-up with the cunts in white? Do you really want to bet on that?

Because our competitors especially RM haven’t made their moves yet?

What I said is the release clause might not be 85m euros. It will be quite close to the true value of Bellingham. Put in a release clause of 90m euro and FSG will still hesitate.

They have the ‘right’ to sell to the highest bidder, but Bellingham can block their use of that right. That is more or less the significance of the story you linked. That isn’t Dortmund taking him off the block, it is Bellingham.

Bellingham is quietly playing a hard line with Dortmund. There is no way he will sign another contract unless they utterly destroy their salary structure. They have about a year to realize value on him now.

The third scenario is also pretty unlikely. Dortmund would have no interest in allowing it to get that far. The real significance of this is that Bellingham has put his foot down (possibly, but not necessarily over LFC). It is pretty clear that £80M won’t get it done in June 2023, but the signal is that maybe £100M would, or maybe £80M in June 2024.

The lesson you are taking from the Haaland deal is exactly the wrong one. In the Haaland case, he provded to be incredibly mercenary and willing to force through a deal that was really unfavourable for Dortmund. In the end, they were in a weak position, and not just because of a release clause.


I’d disagree, just because I think he’s probably the kind of person who is just flabbergasted at the money being thrown around in football.

If we are going by purely non-opec SWFs that haven’t got their economy fucked, there are NGPFG,GIC, Temasek, KIC and BIA.

Knowing GIC and Temasek, they really got a penchant of putting in so much money but getting so little out…

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I dotn remember the exact financials, but I do remember in general the discussion around his contract was that he traded salary at dortmund for more control over his exit, which is a fairly standard balance that gets drawn in these contract situations.

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