The Owners - FSG

They get the criticism they deserve on the other forums, here you get attacked for anything negative by the mob and all give each other love hearts, no wonder so many sign up but don’t bother posting.

Not if you don’t plan on selling anyway. Sure, if it is an analyst’s pipe dream, then it is not relevant. But FSG’s business model is based on purchasing troubled ‘franchises’, putting in the initial capital needed to execute a turnaround, and then having the value appreciate. It is not philanthropy, and my expectation is that it will not be long before they do sell - because of the fundamental assurances/assumptions they entered with (FFP) has proven unsatisfactory. Their interests have always been in financial returns, and it is unlikely they will have a better period in which to sell.

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I think where we’ll see it come into play, is if they sell off pieces of it as “investments”.

Like what Redbird did with FSG, selling off 10% for 750mil.

Yeah it’s kinda weird how TAN is mostly pro-FSG in comparison to other boards who fucking despise them…Idk, people here are too sensible for me, almost doesn’t feel natural.

But at least on TAN you have your freedom of speech in the first place and the mods let you crack on and they don’t ban you for a fucking week for “sleazy comments”


Attacked? Because posters disagree with you?

It’s embarrassing on here, same little click giving each other love hearts, not a proper representative of the true Liverpool fans, Anfield rd dreamer driven off the forum and a couple of others who did speak up don’t post anymore.

Have a look at the other forums and then compare to here. One poster here seems more of a FSG fan the Liverpool.

Sorry, you misunderstood…

Do you really think attacked is a fair description?
Because people disagree with you?

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Very judgemental, thinking people here are not representative of true Liverpool fans?
Again because they might disagree with your opinion


Yeah but it’s like that anywhere, plenty on SCM and LFCTVGO who were regulars who were driven out (mostly perma banned tbh)…I can only speak for myself, there can be someone who disagrees with me on everything I say, it’s not gonna stop me from saying what I wanna say when I wanna say it. I’m not sensitive enough to be affected by a few spewny words if people wanna get offensive, I’m able to let that shit slide quite easily.

Just wondering did you read ARD posts on Tia when he first joined ?

Because his first year or so , he was so pro FSG , many thought he was an FSG stooge …honestly he was so pro FSG at the beginning I do wonder what made him change his tact


Come on now be honest Anfield rd dreamer driven off here, FSG are a fucking joke Klopp said he was going to build a new team to challenge and we bid 12m less than the asking price for the DM he wants. We got to look for cheaper players while our rivals buy the cream.

Maybe Klopp didnt think he was worth the asking price,
and what we bid was what Klopp thought he was worth


Amortization. It’s always the Amortization.

thats because we are a smarter bunch on here,
and can see the bigger picture! :wink:


Utd just resigned Jonny fucking Evans. I would guess you havent ever seen any of Chelsea’s new signings play.

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It’s not Klopp with the purse strings it’s the owners that don’t understand what a top football club needs to be competitive.

We signed Melo on season loan.

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Well, that’s me check mated.

If we end up getting Lavia for less than 50 million would fsg be seen as cheapskates or negotiating successfully?