The Owners - FSG

Yeah its terrible liverpool fans wanting investment in the squad and want to be playing in the Champions league and competing for the premier league but fsg fans getting annoyed with them for wanting them to spend their money. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Investment like the last 5 signings costing 270m and looking likely another significant investment been made too yeah absolutely shocking.

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FSG fans?

What are you, 5?

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5 is a bit over doing it.

Investment like the last 5 signings costing 270m and looking likely another significant investment been made too yeah absolutely shocking.

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your plastic is showing.


Thereā€™s some middle ground to be had here.

I thought from day 1 Iā€™d be happy if FSG re-invested back into the squad whatever profit the club made but that seems to be a pipe dream right now given what this team has achieved over the past 4-5 years and the revenue that must have been generated.
This is compounded by the fact the club is worth more than ten times what they paid for it and that makes the apparent penny-pinching even harder to stomach.
Any good will I had for them is gone and a poor start to the season will see unrest in the stands imo.

The club made 7.5 million profit in the last accounts


Where do you think the money is going?

The money generated has gone back into the squad, through higher wages, fees for new players or contract extensions. The only money that hasnā€™t has gone towards that is spent repaying loans for improving the stadium.

They donā€™t pay themselves dividends from the club.


According to all the anti FSG social medists its been secretly syphoned off back to Boston.

Yes, FSG havenā€™t spent any money on transfers, thereā€™s been no development of the stadium, the players are still training at Melwood. We didnā€™t have a global pandemic that meant matches were played without crowds leading to a massive financial impact which the club survived relatively unscathed. Players werenā€™t paid any kind of bonuses for the successes weā€™ve achieved in the last few years.

Bloody penny pinching bastards.

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The problem is the classic cash flow versus profit. The club has reinvested all of its profit, and then some. FSGā€™s profit is at this stage nominal, the increased value of the club - which is absolutely real, but not cash. However, I think their orthodoxy around debt deserves some criticism. If the club has increased in value that dramatically, and they do not wish to put more cash into the club, refusing to allow the club to take on debt (i.e. trade off some of that appreciation in value for liquidity) is a problem - and one that we saw last year can backfire.

I think they are just in a very difficult place right now. It really surprises me that they have not been more actively trying to sell the club, but it is quite possible they are waiting for the right moment to maximize value.

Did you really laugh specifically 13 times?

This aged well

No One Tumbleweed GIF

Going to be a bit quite in here for a few days Iā€™d imagine ?

Cheap bastards arenā€™t buying Lavia also, are they?

Hmm if Moises goes through, they would have spent 200mil on our new midfield. But this is nothing special. They have been penny pinching for so many seasons, they are just spending now what they should have spent in the past. If they have spent like this season in season out, Klopp would have won and dominated everything every season but instead the owners were more concerned about lining their own pockets. FSG OUT.

If the Moises deal does not go through, it has been a PR stunt all these while. FSG OUT.

Straight Face Trying Not To Laugh GIF

And for that matter, people who like to ask whether you are a FSG supporter or Liverpool supporter. You might want to know that FSG is also part of the club we support, just like any staff or players or fans etc associated with the club but it seems YNWA is only reserved for everyone associated with the club except FSG.


Really??? And here I was reading the forums and thinking YNWA was reserved for anyone who plays well and doesnā€™t make mistakes?

FSG OUT brigade holding emergency overnight meeting right now for an appropriate response in case Moises deal goes through.

Angry Prime Minister GIF by PENNYWORTH