The Owners - FSG

They could have kidnapped him, brought him to La Liga offices and forced him at gun point to hand over the €60m and pretend it was his.
Simples. #FSGout


The guy Abramovic sends to the house of a player who wont commit to a move after Chelsea thought they had a deal in place

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Nah, he sends the dodgy money men and the deals always get done.

Listening to Ian Graham on a podcast from the Blood Red channel.

It’s just fascinating.


Longer and more buttoned up version of the conversation with Graham in the Athletic here

Some interesting tidbits

  • It speaks of some already well known issues with the TC of the Rodgers era, but makes the point that the real issue was not the “you get one and we get one” solution they settled on, but that both were so insistent on vetoing each others choices both sides tended to end up with only their third or 4th choice. That is how we ended up with Moreno.
  • Baloteli was actually a signing the data supported but the data guys acknowledge as an illustration of the limitations of a data only approach to identifying targets.
  • The data guys wanted Mane before he moved to southampton, but lost out in the horse trading that was going on at the time to Rodgers getting his choice of Lallana
  • Robbo was their second choice, but they turned attention to him when Emerson Palmieri tore knee ligaments. Everyone was on the fence about Robbo’s defensive abilities, but Klopp decided if he was as good going forward as the data suggested they could make it work
  • There is a good bit on Nunez identifying that while he scored very well on the data analytics, it was one they had big reservations about due to how different a profile he had. They often identified players who scored well, but in areas that didnt suit what we need - a good player but not a liverpool player, and that was how they initially viewed Darwin. When Klopp pushed on it they didnt oppose his signing because he had scored so well in terms of young forwards, but instead went to lengths to emphasize that signing him would require a significant change to the way we play to get the best out of him.

This one blew my mind…we were pushing for Tom Ince when he was at Blackpool and only turned attention to Coutinho when that move broke down. I may have known that at one point at decided to delete it from my brain.

For me the biggest take home though is that in his version of events Graham is offering a challenge to the tabloid type stories about people leaving because of fallings out. Graham seems to make clear that the creative tension was real but essential and valued that simply everyone was doing a tough job and doing it with people who pushed them all the time, and it isnt reasonable to do it year after year after year and not need a break or a change.


Yeah I remember us being quite in for Tom Ince around that time.

I remember Coutinho coming out of the blue a bit, might have been the first example of one of those.


There was a lot of smoke around Ince but it was difficult to know how real it was and how much it was his dad drumming up column inches about him. I think I had reconciled that we were interested in bringing him back, but this stunned me to think that had it worked it likely would have meant we never got Phil.

Talk about sliding doors.


Ince has one of the strangest career arcs I can think of, with a massive inflection point when he turned down Monaco and Inter to go Hull where he would really not get much of a chance. At one point he was being talked about as the next big thing, but he has basically had a Championship career


Obligatory “I man marked Tom Ince when I was 16” moment. Ripped him to pieces. My team lost 10-0 but I was on fire and limited him to only 5 goals.


Shades of my ‘I defended against Michael Jordan’ story, in a pickup game where the demographics shifted significantly while my team still had the court. To make it interesting, he decided to only score with Kareem-style skyhooks…which he did…a lot.


Shades of me bowling in nets to VVS Laxman.

Somewhere Simon Davies is telling his “I once marked Limie” story :joy:


Ian Graham is interviewed on the Athletic Blood Red podcast channel (which I think is where a lot of these points come from). Really interesting conversation.


I think this particular bit was well known but I can’t remember who the source was back then. I assume that Palmieri would have been a proper left back for us, he was decent even after his injury.

Freed link:

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If there’s any love by anyone for our Boston-based friends these days, please tell me…what are you on and where can I get some of it?

As in because they haven’t bought anyone.

Say they had bought Zubimendi, buy this keeper and say another CB would that suffice.

I don’t really care with what we’ve currently sold. I am concerned we have shown no movement on the right side of attack without at least tying Salah down to a new contract but it’s very minor at the moment.

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Does Linda count? Always got a lot of love for Linda me.


I like that we are a well run club, I suppose you prefer Hicks & Gillett.

We aren’t a team that spends for spendings sake.


Oh there you are…the FSG apologist. You must be overjoyed atm.

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