The Owners - FSG

Same here, however, if he came in, sat in the background added funds and left Hughes to do his job???

Massive If!!!

Couldn’t see the 1st paragraph happening, he would change our identity, making us a commercial club aka Man U. Making money bigger than winning things.

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Liverpool fans and the city would never let it happen, thank God​:pray::palms_up_together:. He wouldn’t last 10 minutes. I don’t think FSG are that irresponsible to sell the club to a deranged megalomaniac.


Isn’t the Sport a joke paper?

Full of tits and joke stories about aliens.


I hope so. It is a rumour, however, there is talk on the internet, that Musk is keen to buy a UK Football Club to bolster his influence in the UK.

Tits aren’t jokes and if you see me when Liverpool lose you’d think I was an alien


But apart from us fans, no one else likes Liverpool :wink: And if he bought us we’d be disliked by more

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The other rumour was some investment banker suggesting Cheltenham was a good idea.

Those statements both describe Elon Musk…a tit and an alien… Can I add dickweed…


Add as many as you like.

I’d be very surprised if the Sunday Sport got an exclusive unless they asked some weirdo who claims they can see the future through their beer dregs.


Well the Sport is renowned for its made up bollocks. Famous cover stories include: “Adolf Hitler Was A Woman”, “Aliens Turned Our Son Into A Fish Finger”, “Donkey Robs Bank”, and “Lancaster Bomber Found On Moon”.

The only thing more ridiculous is Elon Musk. Must be true, then…


i actually really want to read those articles…



He has joked in the past about buying utd.

That would be a pair of tits


Elon Musk to buy Liverpool? Ugh. Sounds like a load of rubbish, and there’s no way the weekend sport would break such news. Related to that, I think Musk himself might have a platform to get the news out? I don’t believe it, at all.

Now, with serious hat on, I tried it on mentally, with a what if?

I would hate it, and I wouldn’t want it, but it would not stop me from supporting Liverpool F.C. A human rights abusing nation state is more where the line is, although Musk, by himself, is almost a nation state and he is doing a lot to make the world a worse place.

Years ago I liked him, and thought there was a lot of substance there. But he has been a cock for quite some time, and I just can’t be doing with him.

Thinking about things from FSG’s perspective, the principal people are getting on in years, so they are either going to bequeath the organization to their heirs, or sell it. It is just a matter of timing.

John Henry will be well aware that selling to a Middle East nation state would cause uproar in Liverpool and there would be so much flak flying that it would become a toxic situation and a sale would be difficult, on all sides, even if he wanted to do it.

So now the question arises, who has the dough to be throwing at a football club? There could be consortiums and so on, but the amount of multi-billionaires who are interested enough in football to turn the head of a John Henry with what they would offer for LFC… well, there’s not too many of them about.

If there was any truth in the rumor at all - and it will get legs if there is, then of course Elon Musk had the money to buy the club, satisfy Henry and FSG, and potentially use it as a vehicle to try to improve his deteriorated global image.



I can’t believe people are actually discussing something in The Sport.


Buying it now!

You know the internets full of them?

Nothing like running my fingers through a pair of physical 2D tits


I have to said I’m slightly surprised it is still published.

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