Most of the oil sands is transported to refineries in Louisiana that are geared to refine heavy crude. That’s what Kitimat was supposed to refine IIRC. It is expensive. That’s why I was wondering.
Yeah, this is how the US became a net oil exporter while also still dependent on foreign oil. It seems like a contradiction, but isnt because of the refinery issue.
This is what happens when you act like a moral superpower, lecturing and hectoring other leaders who don’t agree with your woke agenda.
Poor, middle class, younger and middle aged supporting the Conservatives. Upper middle class and rich Boomers supporting the Liberals
Some top notch Canadian infrastructure news!
Let me time travel into the future:
- Well over budget.
- Scaled down.
- Pockets of friends, family, political allies, well and truly lined.
- Massive corruption.
- Unprofitable, subsidized with tax payer funds.
- Overstaffed.
Oh, try harder than that.
- Transit rights not fully secured so passenger trains have to stop and wait for freight trains with priority.
By the way, SNC Lavalin is now AtkinsRealis.
Despite all of that, I do think it is long overdue and a good idea. Not like the 401 isn’t subsidized with taxpayer funds.
Yeah, got lazy.
Local and Federal governments ability to do cost/benefit analysis is horribly flawed and extremely inaccurate. It is somewhat excusable for initial infrastructure costs, however beyond that its a luxury that shouldn’t be placed solely upon the backs of an already stressed tax system and government waste. I used to follow two transit projects in the greater Toronto area, and lost interest several years back, and at that stage it was a complete mess.
Didn’t quite realise things in Canada are this bad.
They aren’t really. But our government just doesn’t do big projects well. The national railway is a mediocre organization. A big project done for the national railway is going to be a shitshow. The corruption won’t be ‘massive’ by global standards, however the companies that get the contracts won’t be any surprise.
However, in the long run it should still be worth it. It has been a crying need for 70 years.
Also, it’s not just about Toronto and Quebec.
Projects like this help the satellite areas/cities in between the two cities as well. Someone can stay in between both of those cities and still do a regular commute to either one.
That I believe is the main point of the railway projects. Not end to end connectivity at which point people might well take a flight.
Quebec isn’t actually that big, just over half a million. The real value is connecting Montreal and Toronto, though routing to include Ottawa is potentially useful too. But the seeds of the kind of problem that Nobluff expects can be observed in the selection of a corridor that includes Quebec but stops in Toronto. Extending it southward to London (only a little smaller) would add far more population to the area served, but the Liberal Party absolutely wants a big infrastructure project in Quebec - Montreal is in Quebec, but very close to the border with Ontario. If a big project has a political logic embedded in it from inception, there will have been a lot of agendas served by the time it ever sees a train, and that will be costly.
I don’t normally watch hockey, but USA v Canada has a bit of spice to it in light of that loon, Trump. Currently 2-2 going into the final period.
Come on Canada!
Yay! They won. No doubt the Magas will invade the stadium and demand a rematch.
You are absolutely right.
Political agendas do mess up projects , even projects that were necessary.
Isn’t this a recurring theme across pretty much any large organisations?
Trains are better than planes