Canada’s GDP per capita has fallen since Trudeau was elected.
Mark Carney - the central banker who made millions of dollars working for Goldman Sachs, advising companies to offshore their workforce to China, and being CEO of a company building pipelines in the emerging markets while living outside of Canada - pretends to be a Canadian wearing $2,000 shoes in the most cringe hockey picture you’ll ever see.
Climate change activist Mark Carney thinks the best way to protect Canada’s most productive industries from 20% American taxes is to impose 20% Canadian taxes on top of the 20% American taxes, making Canada’s economy even less competitive.
This is the Liberal’s economic “guru.”
Will be the biggest disaster in Canadian history if the Liberals are able to hold onto power, or if they are able to play the spoiler in a coalition. So many mistakes made in the beginning of his reign that have now coalesced into a monstrous fuckup. Some of the fuckups were so subtle that they creeped up through the years, and have now become not so subtle and have had a ripple effect into many facets of Canadian life. Sad state of affairs. Thankfully fixable if the conservatives are given a decent chance. NDP is way too close to Liberal party to be helpful imo. Either way, no magical solutions, it will take at least 2 years before a significant change is seen, after election.
I can’t stand Canadian politics for so many reasons, off the top of my head:
- Much more party aligned than the USA, you barely get anyone voting against party positions. No Joe Manchins in Canada.
- Inconsistent voting schedules, so party is able to schedule election when polls are dropping, and they are able to cling on to power for a few more years.
- Federally funded unions (e.g. teachers union) can endorse a party, which essentially enables them to “bribe” a party with an endorsement if they get a “deal” that suits them. Find this highly unethical in any government. Also happens on a provincial level.
I am afraid we don’t have any particularly good choices. Poilievre is only 5 years removed from advocating putting the CPP into crypto, and is an utter fraud. He has has never done anything of note south of the Queensway since being a university conservative activist. The logical outcome of the sad succession of rejects since Harper.
Carney has some serious policy ideas, though I agree that his climate focus is not going to deliver a great deal. However, his recent comments on building out more East-West infrastructure make a lot of sense.
I think there is only one choice (two if you want to be 51 state ). It’s at a stage where you can’t keep hitting a screw with a hammer and expect better results, we need another tool (insert joke) and hope for Canada’s sake that is closely resembles a screwdriver.
Working as I do in Ottawa, I really cannot envision turning government over to the absolute clowns that are today’s Conservatives. They just aren’t actually serious people, most of them are the 3rd string from Harper’s last government. The Liberals around PMO absolutely need to be turfed, they have been drinking the koolaid for far too long - but there is a better government to be found from the Liberal outliers than the entire Conservative caucus.
Don’t even get me started on the NDP, who are completely detached from reality.
I am in the unenviable position of choosing either a Poilievre mini-me candidate or a Liberal MP who I utterly despise (Anita Vandenbeld, completely loathsome). Not looking forward to the next election, and actually contemplating registering in Quebec (2nd residence).
By far and away, Justin Trudeau has been the worst prime minister of my lifetime. The Liberal Party are deeply unserious people. They are worlds away from the Jean Chretien Liberals, who were pretty competent, with Paul Martin being one of the top two Finance Ministers in Canadian history.
But this government is an absolute joke. I cannot tell you how much disdain and contempt there is here amongst the current DC class towards Trudeau.
Unfortunately, Donald Trump has turned what was looking like perhaps the biggest majority in history into a dogfight. Pontificating about Canada becoming the 51st state has increased the Liberals chances of being re-elected from <1% to maybe a third.
Full disclosure - I worked in Finance in that Chretien government, for the first (almost) two years, left after delivering what became the 1996 budget. Did not actually like Martin much, which was unusual in that office(became cultlike over the years), but I did respect him for being able to lead a group to look at the hard truths. Still proud of the fact that the 1996 budget was the first one that projected forward a surplus - which was realized in the 1997 budget. I was therefore furious to see how that hard work was squandered since 2015.
Poilievre’s problem is that he spent 3 years cosplaying Trump, and now he is simply despised. His freefall has only just started, and the twat cannot even figure out how to criticize Trump without sounding like he is cosplaying Trump.
That’s cool. One of my protégés worked in the PMO under Harper.
Also, Poilievre will (probably) be prime minister. Conservatism is changing.
Maybe. He is in freefall right now though, and his own seat might now be in jeopardy (won by 13 points in 2021).
Which Harper government? The people who came in after 2006 were remarkable. The Harper PMO circa 2015 was woeful. So much talent had walked out, they were down to the 3rd stringers from a few years before.
The 18-34 is telling as these are the people that wont be able to buy a house for the next 10+ years, among other things. 55+ makes sense for “No” as this is the age where you have already, or will most likely need the Canadian health care system, other than that you are most likely financially secure. 35-54 is this range where you could fall into the range where you cant afford a house or need the health care system.
That’s a shocking number. Young people are losing hope in Canada. They can’t afford a house, job prospects are poor, and they’ve been told they’re a post-national genocidal colonial settler state with no core identity, and all the founders are racist bigots. So it really shouldn’t come as a surprise. But it does.
We were fiercely proud to be young Canadians. Not anymore it appears.
Separatism is higher in Alberta than it is in Quebec
From what I have read about refineries is that there are two types, depending on the type of oil, and the capital outlay is enormous. US is based a lot on “regular oil” as the already have the refinery infrastructure while they dont have much to handle fraking oil which is a lot of their reserves, hence their preference to take “regular” oil and export the fraking oil.
The regulations in Canada seem to be strict and therefore prohibitive to infrastructure investment, and don’t have the refineries to process the volume of oil we produce, therefore we “happy” to export oil. I’m assuming it will take years to build even 1 refinery so no quick fixes, and a lot of risk that in 4 years time, if a new government comes into power, they might once again make it restrictive.