The Referees or The Twelfth Man

Put yer tin foil hat on.

Cheers @1972

Compelling and depressing reading.
But, it all evens out over the season

Unfortunately it.all rings true :pensive:

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Paul Tierney’s Cousin…


I personally think that’s just a real unfortunate situation the ref found himself in, his whistle was to his mouth before he lined up the shot…he’s in no obligation to continue to let play go on from the time the initial shot is blocked…of course if you’re Valladolid you’re fuming but you can’t attach any blame on the ref there.

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Yeah I actually don’t think the ref has done anything blatant there he let the first shot be blocked and has his whistle in his mouth and hand in the air when the second shot is about to be sent in.

Unfortunate but in that split second he couldn’t do anything. After all he even lets that first shot go in and get blocked.

Reminds me more of Clive Thomas at the 78 World Cup.


A clock and a hooter is way to go. Crazy that the timing is still so arbitrary…not fair on the officials either.


Imagine being this amateur league referee, blowing the full time whistle, AFTER, the guy has headed the ball towards goal and it ends up in the back of the net… A cup final, scores tied at 2-2 and he does that…! I wonder how safe it was for him to walk back to his car after that game

Now that one makes far little sense though I do know amateur refs who spend 90 mins staring at their watch.

In that I’d let the corner be taken see what happens if it went for another Id blow for full time or it came out to a third of the pitch. Though I try to blow in the centre or a break for a throw or goal kick.


Yeah, not really anywhere close to the Tierney one on Mane, which was a good 10 seconds ahead of time.

I’ve always thought a really simple rule change to alleviate situations like this would that play should continue after the referee blows his whistle until the ball is put out of play.

Not only would it be fairer (why should a referee get to decide an arbitrary point where the ball is deemed to be in a place where the game can be stopped) it would also be brilliant as well. Imagine a scenario where a team is desperately scrambling to keep the ball alive and the other is just trying anything to get it out of play. It would be ace.


You are right… Common Sense seems in short supply with some though.
The match was decided on penalties at the end… The team that had the goal disallowed won by 4-2… so justice was served…!

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It’s exactly what happens in Rugby Union…football should adopt their time keeping, their miked up refs and their player behaviour standards…and the fans are far nicer people too.

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Like a hooter in Rugby.

It makes sense to me.

Totally agree:

Oh shit. You meant players and managers are not allowed to lose their temper but officials or media darling clubs like United are allowed? Sorry.

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So, anyone watched the PGMOL show about the refs’ decision making?

I turned it on this morning to see it was Owen and Webb in the studio and I just dont think I have the strength to get through that

I think it needs to go both ways. I don’t really want to see players and managers shouting and screaming at Refs, but nor do I want to see refs acting like it’s beneath them to make eye contact with a player, engage them, or explain to a player why they have given a decision a particular way.

Personally I think they don’t explain because they can’t. A lot of the time they are just guessing.


I mean you look at that gif of the linesman elbowing Robbo and I can’t see how it’s possible to even concoct a story justifying what he did. That’s the type of behaviour in the street that would get you a visit from the bizzies.


It’s easy for them to concoct these stories. The press never call them out. If managers or players do they’re charged with misconduct.

Look at the uproar in thebpress and on radio phone ins over Jürgen getting in the 4th official’s face? Compare it to the Lino elbowing Robbo incident? Two completely differentnreactions from the press.

I’ve stated how I feel about match officials elsewhere. It’s time that it was sorted. :rage::nerd_face:


I love the little hand movement down like “shh…calm down and stay away” from Hatzidakis after the elbow as like some sort of cover and to suggest he’s just trying to defuse the situation. In his head I bet he was like “oooohh shit! What have I done?” but then the next thought was probably “Its ok…PGMOL got my back”.

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