The Referees or The Twelfth Man

I thought it was his right arm which looks like it touches the ball from the back but the side view.

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Far worse than that goal being ruled out for a possible handball (with the caveat that UEFA is far more strict with this than the leagues are), is the Gavi red card. He was chasing the ball down as Barcaā€™s furthest man forward. The defender knocked it around about and Gavi grabbed at his shirt. The defender went down and Taylor gave him a second yellow card. The ball was 70 yards from goal with Barca having 10 men behind the ball. Itā€™s fucking nonsense.

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The problem with English football is quite clearly VAR not the referees, didnā€™t you get the memo?

what a fucking shitshow. Couple of thoughts, just my own.

EVERYONE knows that we had a goal taken away from us. So give us the goal, make the scoreline 2-2 and each team gets a point. that to me, is fair result.

VAR conversations during stoppages are broadcasted live. just like rugby. no hiding behind screens.

English referees are SHITE and are in dire need of improvement. Biggest money league in the world, global viewership. Simply MUST be better and they need to start pulling from other countries if they donā€™t have the domestic quality to maintain this.


So the ref gave a yellow card for a yellow card for a yellow card offense?

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I think it is incredibly harsh to give such a trivial pull a yellow card that far from goal with so many defenders already behind the ball. Harsh to the point of absurd.

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He probably shouldnā€™t be pulling players back was a bit dumb when on a yellow.

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I think the English referees have dropped all pretences of being serious and are just kidding around now.

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Do referees get tested for drugs, such as cocaine or steroidsā€¦???

This is a serious and genuine concern of mine re these present day referees and their second, third, fourth and however many other officials, they have in their contingentā€¦
Leaving the shaved heads out of this equation for the moment, has anybody else noticed the Marvel Comic psyched up, ā€˜no neckā€™ muscle numbered physiques, these officials are producing recentlyā€¦???
Thinking back to the strange, unexpected, and probably out of character behaviour of the guy that elbowed Robboā€¦

Or that second half, seemingly. ā€˜lost the plotā€™ performance of Hooper, last Saturday, was erratic and what could be, paranoia pressure induced, for want of a better descriptionā€¦ A chalk and cheese, black and white turnaround between the first and second halfā€¦ Or maybe I am looking for reasons that go beyond a reasonable diagnosisā€¦??
Guess the best way to establish if these muscle bound meathead marching army recruits, whose single aim is to fuck-up the football world for its fans, would be to announce a drug testing drive on officials at the weekendā€¦!
Makes me wonder how many would actually turn up for work.!

Some people who take steroids say the drugs make them feel powerful and energetic. However, steroids are also known to increase irritability, anxiety and aggression and cause mood swings, manic symptoms and paranoia , particularly when taken in high doses.

Do steroids cause brain fog?

ā€œAdditionally we have shown that long-term treatment of steroids can block its effectiveness at all times of day and could contribute to the brain fog experienced by many people on steroids.ā€


Certainly sounded like a bunch of lads around for the match.


The correct technical term is shart aka the act of sharting


Or the turtle popping out his head.

Touching cloth.


Remember walking home from town after a night out years back, and as per normal, there are lots of stragglers doing the same thing. This is obviously the time to note the ones that have enjoyed their night a lot more than others haveā€¦

Saw a guy carrying his unconscious mate home once over his shoulder, carrying him in the ā€˜firemanā€™s liftā€™ manner. The guy who was burdened down with his the extra weight, was struggling to walk a straight line himself, although the zig-zag pattern he was adopting, seemed to be due his legs taking command of his brain, instead of the other way roundā€¦

Yet the sight of this, as comical as it came across, was only secondary to the sight that was catching everyone elseā€™s attention. That being, the guy getting carried, yes, the same guy whose arse was inches from the face of his brave mate, the one that was trying ever so hard to walk in a straight line without much successā€¦ had obviously shit himself, and, quite badly. With a Guinness/Brown Bitter like coloured substance, that was neither a solid, nor a free-flowing liquid. It was probably in the mid range of this, but it was free-flowing enough, not just to seep through the arse of his light grey pants, but could be evidenced by the dark coloured trail/s that went from arse to ankle via down his legs, to shoe covered coating, to finish its journey pooling over his poor mates coat at the frontā€¦!

If this wasnā€™t bad enough, as the guy staggered past, his mate had also been vomiting whilst being carried. This led to another similar layering on the back of the carriers coat, although this was a lot more multi-coloured with lots of lumps and strands of what looked like some Chinese take-away meal he had obviously ingested many hours earlierā€¦

To this day I still doubt if they ever managed to get a taxi home in that stateā€¦ more like they ended up sleeping it off, in whatever heap they landed up inā€¦!

Sights ya see ehā€¦ and memories they bring that unfortunately, last a lifetime :0)


Well, thatā€™s a colourful story :see_no_evil:

Seen girls in pretty much the same condition in Windstreet Swansea and I always wonder, how the hell can you get that drunk, is there not some built-in break in them that tells them to stop drinking? Iā€™m no saint and I have had trouble keeping my bike(the one without a motor) strait on occasions but shitting myself and mates who had to carry me ā€¦ Iā€™ll be long on my way home before that happens, unbelievable :joy:



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I used to live in Newcastle and there is a technique there known as the ā€œtactical chunderā€ whereby they will vomit (forced or otherwise) so that they can keep on drinking excessively throughout the night.

I lived most of my life in Scotland. They would never dream of wasting alcohol in such a manner.


Anyone that can manage to drink bottles of that Newcastle Brown Ale deserves to be given it free of charge

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Thatā€™s a good friend though(the carrier).

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Pfff. Try drinking in the outback where according to Kevin Bloody Wilson, you not considered drunk unless youā€™ve got a 3 day old turd in your undies :rofl:


:[quote=ā€œRedSeven, post:1408, topic:660, full:trueā€]
Thatā€™s a good friend though(the carrier).

Hope you thanked him next morning :laughing:

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