The Run In Thread

I’m going to still watch all our games, albeit on tv from afar, though not with any hope of winning the title. We have two teams to overcome and the games are running out, plus we have hit a bad patch and are more likely to drop more points than either of the two teams we are trying to overtake.

Never say never, but winning the title is extremely unlikely. We will probably finish third.

So why will I watch? It’s LFC, one of the great loves of my life. I will watch and hope we see a flicker from the team. I will watch and hope that someone, somewhere, rediscovers how to put the ball in the back of the net.

I will watch, and hope, that even as dreams are tossed and blown, Jurgen Norbert Klopp will know that he is not walking alone.



the sacrifice you are going to make is chivalric.

watching Jurgen klopps last 4 games ias a manager of this club s something i wont be missing…


x 3000.


x 300000000.

It feels disrespectful to Jürgen not to watch.


I’m watching it all, it’s not even in question.

In case I miss one like Fulham, I’m watching it on replay as soon as I can. Even friendlies, those will be interesting with the new guy in charge.

I think the league is gone, I’m embarrassed with the home atmosphere in the last few games, but I haven’t missed a game in ages. Especially in modern times when it’s so easy to cover everything apart from the odd “Northampton cup game” when there is only radio coverage.


If you hadn’t pissed off to Oz (and then returned) invoking the double equator curse; we’d all be celebrating another league title and probably a trip to Dublin. Not happy Jan!

Yes, I take responsibility. The team heard I’d be back in the Northern Hemisphere and they lost their nerve. I should have kept quiet about it or asked my 89 year old mum to rearrange her birthday. My bad.
Of course, once they knew, the players became nervous and started making mistakes in fear of my critical eye.
Can’t blame them really.


How selfish of her to have a birthday requiring you to fly halfway around the world at such a critical time of the season! :wink:

At this point, I wish we can witness a celebration of Jürgen Klopp over the last 4 games.

The stress is now gone, the man is in charge for 4 more games (all of which at Anfield, ok ok, just a joke @Alright_Now_Legend), and it has been a hell of a ride, winning everything with him, making us believers, creating more glorious history in the Liverpool books, unforgettable teams and unforgettable memories.

I remember passing a lifetime since I was 13 and we last won the league, going through all the 90s and earlier 00s woes, until 2005 when a spark was ignited in me again, and my son was a 1 year old.

When he was 10, we went through the 13-14 season together…more heartbreaks. But he was already a Liverpool fan for life.

When Klopp came, my son was 11, and we went through a heroic Europa League run together, losing in the Final. More heartbreaks, but this was the point where we became believers, already at the end of Klopp’s first season.

My son became 13, the age I was when we had last won the league, and we still hadn’t won the league.
Normally it would have been really sad to take stock, but we were witnessing the Klopp machine and his (our) heavy metal football, and it was just so exciting, that even without getting a trophy it made it worth following, and it made it a very amazing feeling to believe something was coming.

Then that Champions League final vs Real, an unbelievable heart break, especially the way it happened…we just couldn’t get over it, we deserved so much to win it, and to lose it this way just hurt so much. But the feeling of being part of a very special team was so dominant, that we saw the team get over it and we got over it with them.

And then, what an amazing feeling it was, when everything seemed lost, to come back and knock Messi’s Barca out in this way and then go on to win the Final of the CL. It felt like what we believed in was starting to bear fruit. And the League followed, and everything else too.
My son was 16 when we won the league, and in these few years of trophy glory we cried, laughed and jumped like crazy together. It was completed with the Cup double, and with this Season’s League Cup.
And as much as this team, Klopp’s Liverpool, our Liverpool, deserved at least 3 League trophies and at least 2 Champions League trophies, and to end on a high for this special, special manager, this is something me and my son will never forget in our lives…

Last season I finally shared a lifelong dream with my son, and we visited Anfield (for real, @Alright_Now_Legend), and witnessed the magic, bid farewell to Firmino on his last Anfield game (he scored a trademark Bobby goal for us), and at the time we had no idea we were saying our goodbyes to the golden captain as well, and to Klopp as well…it makes it even more special now.
And it’s been such a blessing to be there and witness this great Liverpool era.

I do hope whoever picks up from here continues having us challenge for trophies, and continues to win trophies with us.
I do understand it’s time for Klopp to rest, and that a new spark is needed, Klopp felt it first and it slowly starts making sense. But he made sure he will leave a strong Liverpool, to make sure we remain believers. So I hope there’s more to come.

If I wish for something right now for the end of the season, is for him to get the celebration he deserves, for everything he brought to the club.


I told her that right before she blew out the candles and cut the cake.
No idea why I’m now shunned by the whole family.

You are 17 :exploding_head:


Yes, and my son is 20.

No disappointments for this season. We exceeded expectations mounting a title challenge. Just sad that we only have one cup this year to show for the efforts the lads put in.

They look knackered out there last few games


i cant imagine City dropping two games for us to win it now, but where theres a mathematical hope, i feel compelled to say ‘i hope we win the league’

if thats off the table, id really love to get that second spot, assuming that would mean the Arse dropping points, meaning IF justice is ever served, it would point to another title that was robbed from us.

its just a small stat, maybe a pride thing, but i dont want Arsenal having 2 second place finishes so they look even comparative to us in the Klopp Era…


If we are not going to win the PL, because now, after fucking up with Palace and the Blueshite, we find ourselves at this juncture… If we are not going to win it, we should hope the Cheaters win it, and pip us into second place by a single point - At least we can all then cry ‘cheating bastards’ to the PGMOL on behalf of our Jurgen


Everytime Cheaty and the Arse lose, we remove a piece.


I have a feeling LLLLL for them and WW for us is on the cards…


Ill Be Back Jim Carrey GIF