The Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Part 2)

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I donā€™t understand why they are trying to hold that position, it seems so insignificant to me. Are they just trying to tie up Russian assets from moving to other areas? to have to resupply a landing force over water isnā€™t easy.

The idea, such as it is, is to gradually enlarge the bridgehead (RU have weaker forces in Kherson in theory) and if access to Krim is then cut (bridges downed ), one can launch an actual larger offensive there if they have widened the bridgehead enough.
RU also seem to worry about this.

But to me it seems a bit like a crazy idea since forces so concentrated and eating so much RU fire.Multiple boats with UA forces have been sunk supplying it. I donā€™t have the full picture, but tend to agree with you that it seems too costly. A cross river large scale offensive contingent on multiple other factors being favourble after all. But I donā€™t know.

Iā€™m not the guy to know these things, but I would have thought that dropping the Kerch and/or Chonhar bridge and trying to slice off that entire Kherson region from Russia would have had devastating effects on Russiaā€™s forces in that region. If they were able to do that, and immediately start working on Tokmakā€¦

heā€™s back!!

This is the explanation behind the destruction of the convoy that was posted a few days ago. He ties it all together well


More recent
Mind you, Avdiivka situation of course even worse now. He is a couple of days behind. Also late due to OP-Sec.
Just a snippet. I donā€™t usually bother to post that much from these accounts.

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Despite the collapse of the House bill yesterday, it now looks like the Senate bill that includes funding for Ukraine is going to go down this afternoon. Four months of negotiations unwinding.

Weā€™ll see. It is probably going to go down for a vote, logical for the GOP to vote for it to get the other stuff through and not be humiliated, but it depends on how important it is for them to adhere to Trumpā€™s ā€œdonā€™t fund Ukraineā€.
I am not taking anything for granted from that political mad house.

Hill conventional wisdom is that it wonā€™t reach the 60% needed to go to debate today.

wonder how much money they got approved for Israel to commit genocide over in Gaza tho. Not much hesitation there though, right?

Nope, that failed too. The standalone House bill failed earlier, this Senate one expected to fail today has the Senateā€™s version of Israel funding. Any legislative progress on Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and the border looks to have collapsed.

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whoā€™s blocking it? GOP or Demā€™s?

This is entirely a GOP issue.

On the House side, they split - having told the WH to get bent, they held no discussions with the Democratic caucus, planning to ram something through to reconciliation. Then the GOP House leadership could not actually deliver the votes to do that.

On the Senate side, GOP leadership has been negotiating a compromise for four months. Progressive Democrats are livid, because the compromise has mostly been their priorities being kicked to the curb. But Trump has been actively campaigning against that bill, and too many GOP Senators have been cowed into withdrawing support, so they have now split too.

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itā€™s so sad that some Americans are so heavily drinking the Kool-Aid that they cannot see the correlation between the timing of these funding bills and Tucker Carlson giving Putin a hand-job in person.

fucking hell. so sad.


We (the US) have sent enough money overseas already. How about we spend our hard earned tax dollars on taking care of inner cities, the homeless, military veterans, the elderly, schools, etc etcā€¦the US needs to stop trying to be big brother and fix our own problems first.

Lol ā€¦ like the Republicans are interested in any of that.


Neither party are but it would be damn sure nice if one actually cared

You should cut Israelā€™s funding for one, that would save tens of billions that could be spent for worthwhile causes both in the country and overseas.


Itā€™s hard to cut funding to these wars when both parties are heavily invested or on boards for the military industrial complex. More wars = more money for them. Itā€™s sad they use us humans as just pawns of their games.