The Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Part 2)

Very interesting.


That is a very, very large and violent fire and it is here:

Distance to Ukrainian border this time, cirka 1300 Kilometers.


Given the fucked up state of the US, may be a good strategy, even though it is based on hope. Going on all now with Trump through Tucker Carlson though. If you get enough of the Suarez-type in the US who vote, Russia will win and authoritarianism will spread through the West as a bi-effect (natural if Trump is elected), risk of wider war and potential nuclear confrontation in years to come, far higher.
If not and support for Ukraine gain traction again and particularly if we see an increase, it will lose. It is a war of choice, you don’t fight those to the bitter end.


This factory, the Votkinsk Machine Building Plant; manufactures several intercontinental missiles…
If this attack is ukrainian, as it seems like; that’s a … strategic strike… and takes UKR strategic bombing into a new territory :scream_cat: :astonished: :astonished:

Look at the size of that explosion, my God.


RU MoD announces that the explosion was caused by “technical work at the Votkin Machine-Building Plant” .



Suarez surely rejoicing in euphoric happiness now. Real destruction of the actual “Military Industrial Complex” that creates nucler capable missiles threatening annihilation, right there. Must surely feel like Christmas and New Years Eve combined for him :innocent:


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A shame.


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Can they do central Moscow next?

with a little of this

Yes, but more difficult targets there. They have tested it before. Bombed some high rise buildings in central Moscow owned by FSB 6 months or so back, with pretty small drones with very limited payload.
But it’s complicated.

Removal imminent it seems:

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Ukraine wants to lose the war.

I suspect his thinking is that Ukraine already has. He has not really seemed interested in compromise or accommodation, so his thinking is likely that either he gets what he feels is necessary to have any chance of winning, or gets removed - leaving him relatively unblemished. No point in sticking around to be the fall guy for a strategy that is not his own.

He is not stepping down, he has been forcibly removed and replaced with the butcherer Syrksy. It is also incorrect that Ukraine has lost the war. Ukaine has lost the war if A) US does not send more arms and/or B) it does not mobilise further as it must. If A and B happens, war does not necesarilly favour Russia at all. It favours Russia only if there are too few troops and Western aid stops. If not, everything is in play. Russia is not as sociopolitically and socioeconomically stable as some seem to think.

But the political leadership refuses to mobilise at current as Zalhuzhny wants and claims they need to, the political leadership is sensitive to facts, such as the general admitting it the war was currently a stale mate, instantly bullshitting and denying and throwing the general under the buss.
He has now been replaced with an infamous Yes-Man, who will agree to whatever idea Yermak has. This is the man responsible for the battle of Debaltseve, long studied as “how to not conduct a battle”. This is the man who led the defense of Bakhmut, not withdrawing when prudent, losing brigade in the process. This is the man who led attack on Bakhmut during C-Offensive, wasting the most experience brigade and shattering it, when Zalhuzny wanted to focus the fist on Zaporitzhya. This is the man reviled by most UA troops who loath him. That is Syrsky. He just does whatever Yermak says, not questioning. A true Soviet general.

And the most prepostrious about this saga ? Appointing an infamous Meat Attack commander as CoC of armed forces when they are critically low on troops.

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I know he has not stepped down, my point was that he has not taken many steps to avoid being removed, likely because he sees your A as the most likely scenario, and is not seeing B happen.

Irresponsible to assume A) before you know it is a fact, so I would tend not to agree there since it would be foolish make such an assumption and act on it, when you are in a position where you have to act and hope for the best.
B maybe. I cannot say, Zelensky has been unimpressive when it comes to mobilisation and making difficult decisons.

Anyway. I am taking a short break unless something interesting happens.


As a keyboard warrior you may think ‘leaving him relatively unblemished’ is a ‘smart’ career move; as a patriot fighting for the existence of his country this makes far less sense than it may seem in your Canadian(?) bubble.