The Space Thread


Yes, gravity doesn’t work entirely the way we think it should and we have no idea why. Hence it being such an active area of science

Scientist dont use occam’s razor to make judgements on what is most likely the way lay people do. They are in the business of testing hypotheses and using the razor helps craft hypotheses that are both testable and useful. The simpler the hypothesis is the more directly it can be supported. The more complex the explanation for a phenomenon the harder it is test the applicable hypotheses. That’s why the hypothesis that dark matter is a literal substance is the occam’s razor solution that is receiving a lot of attention.

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Discussion on the Gupta hypothesis.

Will still ultimately be proven to be bollocks but as it won’t happen in my lifetime, I’m happy to be proven wrong.

I LOVE your repeated use of the word “lay” people. It’s the veiled insult that just keeps giving.

The problem is that we’re looking at at universe as it was billions of years ago. The whole lot could have gone bang and we still wouldn’t know about it.

What an odd thing to take issue with.

If I had a pound for the number of times I’ve heard Brian Cox say we know the age of the universe is about 13.8 billion years old, I’d be able to afford to visit his barber.

I just love Elon and SpaceX

Congratulations to India for successfully landing a craft on the moon, thereby joining an exclusive club. Just hope the rover doesn’t go the way of China’s Jade Rabbit.


It’s quite a good accomplishment. No doubt will be used by the incumbent govt etc etc.

But the hardwork done by the ISRO scientists and all people connected to this has to be commended

And we (until recently) still give India food aid. FFS.

This is / was probably an issue within the UK govt to decide on.

India doesn’t need the aid and isn’t asking for that aid as well.

On this , I see that some british broadcasters are intent on mentioning the aid given to India shtick.

That’s frankly a shit way of looking at it. People can question how the aid is being sent to a country (another matter that India’s refused the aid and the so called aid is being sent for lobbying etc) without being condescending about the right of a country to do what they want to do. 75M for a space mission is less than what United spent for Antony.

And it isn’t as if the Aid is directly being sent to the Indian govt’s coffers.

Space is hard, history is littered with errors, mistakes, failures and tragedies. That’s how we get better. Could be worse, could be Hubble :rofl:

The initial period was only for 14 days. Waking up the probe was simply of trying to see if they could start it up.

Thought this was pretty cool.

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An interesting read:


What’s your beef with Hubble?

An interesting read. Despite seeming to be a bit critical of the Large Hadron Collider, it turns out that he’s quite welcome at Cern having recently given lectures there.

I have no beef with it. You’ll remember it needed glasses fitting in orbit?