The Steven Gerrard Thread

This is even more ridiculous than Allmighty reds comments. You’ve left me gobsmacked?

By the way, if someone doesn’t agree with you that’s not regency/ageist bias.

While Gerrard had left by 35 not to say they were better players but they’re better athletes

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No, they had better longevity is all.

Gerrard was far quicker and more powerful than Milner ever was.


Choosing to believe this is just a cunning ploy to get everybody to say nice things about Gerrard again.

They are better prepared physically and more tactically aware but at the same time they lack spontaneity and improvisation compared to the older ones.

In terms of technical ability, there is nothing to suggest that they are better. In fact, the opposite is probably more valid.


More Saudi simping.

What a gimp.


I used to rate Ronaldo more but Messi is a better player, that is obvious.

Then there are the likes of Maradona

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Oh dear. Tell me you are very young without telling me you are very young… :laughing:

I’m for sure not young but I told a while back that I’m partly Portuguese and I take Ronaldo over Messi every day of the week and twice on Sundays …


I meant over Messi.

I’ve said on here time and time again having seen them both in the flesh that I rated when I saw Suarez far higher.

But from what I’ve seen of various others I think players like Best and Maradona seem uniquely gifted to the point where you have to say they’d probably do it out of their time streams.

That’s my point. Saying C.Ronaldo was better than Messi sounds to my ears like something a football novice or child might say

Ask the little cherubs to play with the same ball Liddle did.

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Yup, let’s see if Dom turns out to be a vile greedy cunt, and utterly useless as a manager.
Then make comparisons

And also wins us big ears plus orchestrates of the most memorable games in history. Not going to happen is it.

Gerrard has had 4 jobs in management.

Liverpool U18s he helped develop Kelleher and Jones.

Rangers he toppled a decade long domination by Celtic and got to the later stages of the Europa League.

Aston Villa he failed after spending a lot of money and making a bold, but in hindsight probably misled, decision to strip Mings of the captaincy and then rely on him to play after his replacement got injured.

His Saudi club, I don’t know or care to research it. Could have won every game for all I know I don’t care.

There are lots of managers with way worse CVs.

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Myth of the century.
Benitez recognition that Gerrard spent the first half chasing shadows, bringing on Hamman and freeing Gerrard to play more offensively was the turning point of the game.


Yes. And also someone who’s found his ceiling. Also , his weaknesses at Villa were apparent once his assistant left

That said , it’s incredible how Lampard kept getting more chances to manage at the higher level than Gerrard though

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If we were run as slapdash as Chelsea, I’d imagine Gerrard would have had at least one stint here as manager by now, regardless of the Villa failure.