The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

She was tyred

As the title of the thread is Funny Pictures and Jokes things in this thread aren’t to be taken seriously. It is a place to escape the drudgery, stress, bullshit of life/work/politics/whaever else gets people down.


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I have no problem with transgender jokes or woman running over or people beating up or whatever aslong it is clear that is it a joke. The day we can not laugh about things or ourselves is a sad day.

Other people can do whatever they want.

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Sadly I think there have been many cases of these runaway tires killing people across the world.

Edit: I see that as an antipodean I am 14 hours too late and the discussion ahs moved on


Typical! Bloody antipodeans. Do try and keep up :stuck_out_tongue:

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yeah it was one of my more special pieces.


I’m not sure about this move toward colour. Don’t think it suits your oeuvre.

Is that Seagulls flying over Old Trafford 24th October, 2021?

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Political correctness has found its rightful place again. A joke thread.

Nobody cared about the chicken when it crossed the road.

In a world that wants equality it means that nothing is exempt from humour. Some humour is very dark - deal with it.

Is that us lot on TAN? If so, which one is me?

I don’t think I’m on yyere now I come to think of it. I actually look like this emoji. :nerd_face:

Cant Speak Nathan Fillion GIF

What do you know about art, lowly being.

King Yes GIF

coachella bow down GIF

Nothing living would fly over that shit

Nope but I can do your portrait for just $199 and special TAN member discount if you transfer $59.99 in the next 5 minutes.

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Aw, I missed the deadline. :nerd_face:

But do those 2 birds not have arses the size of a cow?