The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards


i don’t get invited. Not since i threw jelly at the wall when i was 5.

Pity you haven’t it on film…
Some lads here would piss themselves laughing at it

you just reminded me of when i was a young lad in the early years of high school… stood on the slope of a hill… about to take a pee when i was drunk… slipped and fell all the way to the bottom banged my head on the fence and proceeded to urinate all over myself.

that would have gone down a storm here.

That’s painful, you could have been seriously hurt. So that’s not funny.

The plate thing is slightly funny. The kid wasn’t hurt, just looked a bit silly.

I mean without slips, spills, gaffes where would You’ve Been Framed be!

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You’ve been framed was brilliant back in the day. Gotta give a big hand to Jeremy Beadle.


is you ve been framed still a thing? not seen that since beadle was doing it.

Not going to lie that did make me laugh out loud.


I still love the reruns. Harry Hill does a decent job

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Amazing what you find piss funny :face_exhaling:

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@koptician i am not outraged by the kid plate episode. It just didn’t make me laugh.

I was actually on it once. Not my mishap but a couple of little girls who went down a long slide on an inflatable just before me and my lad. Mrs C was filming at the bottom when the girls appeared. Because they were lighter than myself and my teenage lad the were really slow going down the slide. We caught up with them just as they arrived at the bottom. We slammed into them and knocked them under the inflatable.
In my defence, on the video I am showing real concern. My lad on the other hand is grinning and whilst the camera shakes you can hear Mrs C’s giggles.
Any way showing amusement at another’s misfortune is called schardenfreud. :nerd_face:


Just for Laughs the Canadian show seems to have taken the mantle from You’ve been framed…
They done a decent job of it also… Some LOL moments in it :0)

That’s more ‘Beadle’s About’ than YBF. :nerd_face:





Glad you came here to tell us

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