The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

Well thats just Alternate Facts.

My girlfriend was trying on new clothes, and asked if they made her look fat?

I said, it’s not that the clothes make you look fat, but they make you easier to see

I was at a mate’s house years ago - his wife asked him “Do these clothes make me look fat?”
He replied, " No it’s your face."

He is now happily divorced.

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If we’re doing Wife jokes,

I was shaving the other night when Mrs CDO walked in and asked “does my bum look big in this”?
I answered “yeah, but to be fair it is aonly a small bathroom”.

I was fixing my tie in the mirror when she walked into the bedroom naked. She shouted " close the blinds, the neighbours might see me". I said " don’t worry love. If the neighbours see you they’ll close their own blinds".

This morning I said to Mrs C “you were saying some really horrible things about me in your sleep last night”.

She replied “you’re wrong”.

I said “I’m not wrong. I heard you with my own ears”.

She answered “No, you’re wrong. I wasn’t asleep”.



So good.

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Walked in last night “don’t let it start, don’t let it start, don’t let it start”

Missus says “what are you muttering about this time???”

Me “it’s started”

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What do you call a nurse with dirty knees?

Head Nurse.

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Did you hear about the cross eyed circumciser?

He got the sack


What does a short-sighted gynecologist and a puppy have in common?
A wet nose

What is long, hard and full of seamen?
A submarine




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Living dangerously…oh Mrs CDO…wait till she see’s the post…

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What’s the difference between a gynaecologist and a drummer? A drummer can deal with multiple cunts at the same time.

The rebuke to all the drummer jokes (I’m a drummer)

How do you know if the drummer’s stool’s level? He drools evenly out of each corner of his mouth.

What does a musician say first thing in the morning?
“Do you want fries with thay?”

And on and on and on