The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

Never quite understood the demand/instruction to “cease and desist”… aren’t they the same thing? “Stop and stop”.

If we had someone in the Legal profession on here they could explain it properly.
I think it boils down to being paid by the word.
@Kopstar would deny this :grinning:

So I looked this up to prove you wrong and…

The doubling—and sometimes even tripling—often originates in the transition from use of one language for legal purposes to another: in Britain, from a native English term to a Latin or Law French term; in Romance-speaking countries, from Latin to the vernacular. To ensure understanding, the terms from both languages were used. This reflected the interactions between Germanic and Roman law following the decline of the Roman Empire. These phrases are often pleonasms[1] and form irreversible binomials.

In other cases the two components have differences which are subtle, appreciable only to lawyers, or obsolete. For example, ways and means, referring to methods and resources respectively,[2] are differentiable, in the same way that tools and materials, or equipment and funds, are differentiable—but the difference between them is often practically irrelevant to the contexts in which the irreversible binomial ways and means is used today in non-legal contexts as a mere cliché.

Doublets may also have arisen or persisted because the solicitors and clerks who drew up conveyances and other documents were paid by the word, which tended to encourage verbosity.[3]

Their habitual use has been decried by some legal scholars as superfluous in modern legal briefs.

…you’re not. :rofl:

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This term was created by a heavy metal lyricist, easier to write into a song that sounds fierce. If you insist on just one word, stop, then you end up with Vanilla Ice. STOP! Collaborate and listen~~




This puerile thread has no business being so funny :joy:

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Who’s that next to Jay Spearing?


Lou Ferrigno ?


Fair enough, I’ll give you that one. :joy::+1::nerd_face:


Was it compulsory to show teeth?

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Dont let him off with that one,poor old Jay :wink:

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That’s my normal look. What can I say? I’m a happy fella. :+1::nerd_face:


Cruel bastards mate.

Its the one Dane we all want to meet

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Anyway lucky you getting a photo with Jan Molby. Now you are 11 away from the full collection… Feb Molby, Mar Molby…

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In the presence of greatness… Hope Molby realises that :0)



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This one is a bit blinding!

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