The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

Took me a minute as well, the “penis” is the box’s cut-out handle.


I wasn’t going to put my glasses on as I didn’t want to be considered a pervert and evidently I couldn’t blow the picture up enough to see such a detail! :rofl:

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I thought it was showing what happens when standing on the pedal of the bin instead of the lid popping up…! :man_facepalming:

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What you get a cock chopper for your money as well?

You KNOW they did that on purpose :rofl:


…It also means you have to grab his ‘three-for-a-bob’ as you pick the box up :0)

I have failed. When a supposedly funny picture illicited serious discussion where the joke is and not laughs… I have failed.

GIF by Leroy Patterson


It did fulfill it’s purpose. I still don’t know what it is and have looked at it a long while, I’m sure once I’ve fathomed out what it is I will laugh, then perhaps not as I will be tired. :rofl:

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Took me a minute, then it’s obvious.

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Did you use your glasses?


So funny.


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I will try again


reminds me of this


Bullshit. That isn’t a child’s drawing.

[quote=“aussielad, post:2786, topic:176, full:true”]
I accidently took my cats medication last night

Don’t as meow

New puppy we got at Christmas ate all the letter tiles from my scrabble game last night…
It has been leaving me little messages all over the house this morning :0)

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