The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

Being a big DIY enthusiast I remember going into Waterstones once and asking the lady assistant if they had any books on shelves…
She looked at me with a steely glint in her eye and said was I trying to be f***in funny…!
Guess she was no lady after all eh :0)

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I worked for BT for a while in the 1980s and was once asked to produce some stats for a “Richard Head” which I assumed was a wind up by my colleagues.

I called him up and said something along the lines of “Is that Richard Head, or should I call you Rich or Rick or something?”

“It’s Richard, or Mr Head to you sonny.”

I’m assuming that he had heard it all before.

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Nah, better to go with air horn that plays La Cucaracha

Jokes aside. Is that actually you in you avatar @Klopptimist ?

Yeah, couldn’t find my “20”’and that’s fucked this season anyway. A happy day playing cricket last season.

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I see.

Well, that explains a lot.


What does it explain if I maybe so bold?

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Wasn’t sure whether to stick it here or on the RIP thread but I was sent this by a friend who is a Church Of Scotland minister.


Had a replacement co-worker. Refused to use the communal toilet because it might be dirty and who knows whos used it. I pointed out that part of our job was insuring that the communal toilets were in good order and part of our job was cleaning them if they weren’t.
Even so he insists on using the on suite toilets in the un used rooms. Fucking dirty bugger doesn’t even flush after. The cleaning ladies started going nuts as they had to check even unused rooms to check if the toilets were clean.
What a dirty, disgusting and lazy snob! :rage:


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LOL, how old are you?

As the class of 66 suggests … my year of birth, other gamers always ask me if I am that old lol

damn, what game are you playing at 57yo which involves a clan? if I may ask?

I gave that up in my 30’s

damn, what game are you playing in your 30’s which involves a clan? if I may ask?

I gave that up in my teens

I was playing Counterstrike 1.3. 20 years ago.