The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

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I believe that would go down as a strike

Surgical strike :rofl:

Not unlike a Carragher tackle

Operation Shock & Ow :wink:

She’ll never stand still on an escalator ever again :rofl:

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That is why I always face backwards on them.

I don’t trust no fucker that is behand me. And I’m a bit weird :rofl:

Yeah you defo didn’t know some guy was behind you lady!!!

Careful love!!! People really ought to be more aware of their surroundings…^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1682110533183340546|twgr^3b813e8b0b9e6f6a840265cd111ed0b44b714dce|twcon^s1_c10&

You think this is funny?


“Ian Rush says if you don’t drink milk you’ll end up owning Twitter.”

“What’s Twitter?”
