The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

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I remember Wet & Wild on the Gold Coast did a 1st day launch for their new wave pool back in the 80’s by showing Jaws on a big screen in the pool.

The number of little shits swimming underwater and grabbing peoples legs was insane.

And no, I was not 1 of those little shits. I was too young to go in by myself :frowning_face:


Arh so you were only a little nipper ?

And a hammerhead shark at that😬

I was there with my daughters last year! Great water park!

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How stoned do you have to be to think $150 for an ice cream snadwich is good value?


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Stoned enough to spell sandwich wrong?


To be fair he thought it was six-foot long!

where do you buy a 6ft freezer?

Not seen this posted elsewhere, though it could go in about 8 different threads.

Guide dogs … :joy:

This is @Klopptimist on the politics thread

Apart from the church, he’s right.


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