The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

It gave me a headache :person_facepalming:

Surely that should be a straight Red card for the whole US football community?

Lifetime ban from the game for the whole country I think is a suitable punishment :wink:

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Calling for people to be banned on here awards the caller an instant ban. Just pointing this out in case anybody has less self control than me…

I never said Retro should be banned, I was stating that America should be banned from football.

That, I think is perfectly reasonable :wink:

Does that include all the American owners divesting their football holdings?

If they refuse to pay for Lavia, yes :rofl:

@koptician But that is conditional that the Glazer’s take Mexican citisenship to allow them to keep hold of Utd

Wasn’t responding to you mate :wink:

Why has the ai one have " communism will never work " on her right tit ?:joy:

Because if it were on the left, it would be proof that communism does work.


Or…whoever says “Communism will never work” is a right tit


Maybe that’s the name of the eighth Dwarf… :man_shrugging:

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What…Communism? Or Tit?

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