The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

Or Beablebroxes as we know them

“You didn’t let me finish: you’ll be hot, sticky and very wet by the time I’m done with you.”

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I bet you say that to all the girls? :joy::nerd_face:

Modern Problems Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

viagra treatment for opioid induced erectile dysfunction GIF by ePainAssist

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Have you heard about the new origami porn channel?

It’s paper view

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My mate goes “Man’s just looking to…get wet. That’s all”

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Had a bumper sticker once, couldn’t resist it.

God loves you, everybody else thinks you’re an idiot.

I remember a lot of the tourist shops on Gold Coast years ago would have t-shirts with

Jesus Loves You - Everyone Else thinks You’re A C__t!