The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

Why are French bakers the world’s most depressed profession?

Because they know life is pain.

I don’t know about life but that joke certainly was :rofl:

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Yeah I think Nikola should open up another transfer thread for that :joy:

Team Zoom meeting…

A colleague’s connection went dodgy while he was speaking

Ron: “I’m sorry but did anyone understand John? He was cracking up”

Me: “I assume you meant his voice and not his mental state?”

Oh that’s too harsh! That’s a protracted, painful death!

Between this:

and this:

I thought I was going through my “Recently played” on Tidal!

mass hysteria show GIF by Deezer

Looks like there is a polar bear in that crowd - Go figure :0)

Think it’s the latest Chelsea player and their agents coming and going over the last 24 hours

Mate I’ve seen some hilarious stuff at metal concerts and festivals…this weekend a dude in a full Spider-Man costume was crowdsurfing. Another one was Pikachu!

Right before Megadeth started, someone threw up a huge inflated unicorn. Which pissed people off as it was obstructing their view.

Dave Mustaine goes “I feel sorry for whoever spent all that time blowing up that unicorn. I wonder which end of the unicorn you blew”


what Was Whitney Houstens favorite form of co-ordination?



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Tom Hanks Space GIF by TV4

Just before going to sleep you put that bloody song in my head, barstard!

I hope no-one’s offended by this. Actually, that’s not true. I really don’t care if they are.

It’s taking the mickey out of the punch up on an Alabama dock that happened about a week ago.

There was nothing funny about that though. Entitled white folk thinking they can dock their dingy where they want preventing a large ferry boat from docking with passengers aboard.
That this shit has got to the point that it’s not just seen as normal but even funny is damning imo.

Totally fake, there wasn’t a proper punch thrown.

Flobs has spoken

Judge Joe Brown GIF