The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

The cheetah- Tiger Woods’ spirit animal

I found said loud it makes you horse …

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Stop all this monkeying around please. Flippping elk!!

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My then-6-year-old said (and she she either lucked into it or came up with it herself, I’m sure she didn’t read this somewhere):

“Daddy, what do you call a deer with no eyes?”

“No idea”

I was floored!

That’s basically a day in the life of Wile E Coyote

I wonder if this meets @Flobs exacting standards. Probably much too vulgar :wink:

Bruce Lee was fast!!

But he had a brother who was faster!!!

Sudden Lee


Had the same issue with whippets.

Jude Law reading the original (see description for origins of the story) …

This one on the same channel is also good …

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“It will make the cat jealous “. :rofl:

This drug, if there was such a thing, would be hugely popular nowadays.

Woman goes to the doctor and complains about the size of her gigantic breasts, asking what can be done.
Doctor says, generally without surgery, nothing can be done.
However, there is a trial drug which claims to reduce breast size, would you be prepared to give it a go.
Of course I would she says’ I’ll try anything.

Doctor says, there are some expected side effects you should know about though.
You may get some light downy type hair on your chest.

Woman says, no problem, I can live with that.

Ok says the doctor, 2 pills twice a day, come back in a fortnight.

2 weeks later, woman sees the doctor and her tits are clearly much smaller.

Doctor asks her to undo her blouse and there is a fucking chest rug Tom Jones would’ve been proud of.
OMG said the doctor, that’s a bit more hair than I expected to see, how far down does it go?

All the way to my balls said the lady.

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Wile E Coyote in road runner.

Just a meme.