The Trials of Donald J Trump

Is this saying Trump will get his ring destroyed? :grinning:


I’ve actually been asked to go to a lunch with Senator Collins as a representative of the Junior Enlisted Council (along with other representaives from other councils and leadership I’m sure). I said yes last week but think I’m strongly considering asking to be removed from the meeting citing my oath to uphold the constitution. Not sure the military should be seen meeting with people who do not have a commitment to the consistitution, or see it as something that only applies when it suits them.


It should be imo just to think that big baby is restrained would put such a smile on my face. Ok we all know he will not be able to stay put then of course such a restriction will become a custodial sentence. :grin:


Is not my business nor do I have any specific understand but if you dont will they invite you again, you could go and then withdraw, it you actually see anti-constitutional behaviour - and to boot - it sounds really interesting! Had something alike in my job, felt the same way, but ended up co-operating to the extent I could, rather than dip out, it could reflect on you and they have immediate problems it seems.

If I attend and feel uncomfortable I won’t be allowed to leave, or at least it would look very strange as there will be many high level officers there including the Secretary of the Air Force. At that point its too late.

I’m fine with not being invited again, and the reflection on me for future career etc doesn’t overly bother me - the military is not my primary career.

Many of my colleagues in the Air Force will not see it the same way I do, or care what their oaths were if it matches their personal politics, but I don’t want to be associated with it at this time.


It would be worse to try and leave the meeting then. It’s a tough decision. I dont know the purpose and dont need to. Its a complicated conclusion though and a complex issue, as well, to assert they are acting against the constitution - I saw Trump’s idiotic response after the verdicts - but does that extend to the attendees? Must be sure its actually anti-constitutional. Im not trying to confuse but are allegations of collusion, biased decision making etc properly anti-constitutional in their own right? Its clear they impute the current Executive, but is it actually anti-constitutional? The constitution allows for such submissions under free speech, fair process etc, and these points might simply be collateral to the constitution or directed at the probity of the current executive. Ive said enough. Any others supporting you in this, or would you be alone?


Time to lock up Pelosi and Hunter next! Get these bad apples outta here!


Looks like BoJo from the back eh :0)

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I have officially been removed from the roster to meet Senator Collins, surprisingly easy. My motivations for my decision were accepted without any push back - they’ll find someone else to take my place.


Proud of you mate :+1:t4:


In order to add the 1% perspective from the opposite side into this thread, even with the knowledge that this will annoy some of you beyond reason.

A politically biased case, reasoning.

  1. Bragg ran a campaign constantly mentioning how many times he has taken Trump to court.

  2. Judge donated to re-elect Biden campaign, he also donated to Progressive Turnout Project, a voter outreach organization, and another to Stop Republicans, a subsidiary of the Progressive Turnout Project. (As per CNN). He was reprimanded by New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. Dismissed with warning.

  3. The district where the trial was held is essentially a democratic stronghold with a republican base that is insignificant, so much so that statistically you would be lucky to get 1 republican on a jury of 12. This assumes that all the jury needs to come from that district.

  4. I believe the sentencing is a few days away from republican convention.

  5. The timing of the case, and cases seem to be timed so that they cause the most disruption to Trumps campaign. This is much like the Biden laptop as far as timing is concerned.

The above doesn’t explicitly tie Biden to interference with a political opponent. There is no explicit proof that his handlers interfered. There is an enormous amount of circumstantial evidence that there is interference from local democratic officials. Can federal democrat officials influence local officials, absolutely without doubt, however it doesn’t mean they did. The perception of political interference is quite obvious, once again doesn’t prove it one way or another. Perception is a powerful weapon to anyone that is not tied down to always voting along part lines. I don’t think this bodes well for Democrats.

Once again, this is a devil’s advocate’s pov (and no, devil not = Trump, it’s just a saying, even though some of you might think it’s apt).

I think a different pov is useful, however I’m not really in the mood to read a whole bunch of responses picking my post apart so someone switch hats for my sanity, and reply to any responses by pretending that you agree with my post.


I’m just going to pick up on No.5 because I’m sick of hearing it tbh.

Unheard of before by any candidate , Trump announced his candidacy a full two years ahead of the election. (After the Mar-A-Lago raid and during the Jan 6 hearings which were heading for a criminal referral to DOJ ) He knew that charges were looming and his calculation was that prosecutors would be much less likely to indict a presidential candidate.

His contention since that prosecutions were only launched to scupper his run are laughable. (Investigations were already well advanced in both Georgia and NY too and indictments considered likely.)

Still , you repeated it , along with the rest of the talking points.


On a lighter note…


Habba interviewed by Kuenssberg. Just need to add Braverman to the mix and we could stage a performance of the Scottish play.

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What Biden affiliates ?

I dont think so. Its all in the Public domain have a nice Sun. :raised_hand:

Oh I get it … do your own research , right ? lol


So, the assertion is that ‘Biden affiliates’ have committed similar crimes but haven’t been prosecuted, but you aren’t going to back it up with any names?
What’s the point?


But he’s worried he might lose and why he did that libertine gig. His ego wouldn’t have stood for the heckling he took but he needs their votes.

I just wish Biden was twenty years younger. He looks terrible and his age is going to put off a lot of swing voters.