The Trials of Donald J Trump

I can’t stop laughing…

The stupid grin on Farage’s dumb cunt face.

So desperate for adulation…



Really is a wanker, sewn division and then fks off scared and doesnt even have the course to stand for his own cause. Reminds me of the alter ego of that Galloway twat-end.


It’s worth coming back to this because apparently Steinglass put on a masterclass in the closing that critically undercut this argument that this part of the case was a win for Trump. He addressed the claim Blanche made about Cohen being caught in a lie and starting a stop watch. He then talked to the jury about the two alleged conversations. When he finished he stopped the clock and showed them that less time had been taken up than the time of the call in question, negating Blanche’s claim that Cohen must have been lying because both conversations could not have taken place in that short amount of time.


Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, said Trump’s false accusations that the case was orchestrated by Biden raised the spectre of further political violence at a time when supreme court rulings are awaited on the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol by a mob trying to reverse the last presidential election result.

“The real concern here is not that Trump would be able to stir up his base and get loads more votes, because there aren’t loads more votes to get,” he said. “The real question is will Trump continue to feed this sense of persecution, making phony charges that Biden’s orchestrating all this.

“That’s not the way our system works. But he has ruined public confidence in our election system, and he’s now ruining public confidence in our judicial system. The man is the worst thing that has happened to American democracy in my lifetime.”


That is a powerful statement.

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Look at how severely traitors like Robert Hansen or suspected terrorists held in Guantanamo are treated. The real dangers to the US system, and it’s very existence as a democracy, are Trump and his supporters. Based on the precedent of how other ‘threats’ are treated, all of the Trumpian cabal should spend their natural lives in windowless metal boxes in various stress poses experiencing auditory hell.


It is disappointing to see Collins debase herself like this.


Weird thing is, under Florida law he cannot now hold state office, but nothing about the Presidency.



Blippi reciting the entire works of Shakespeare.

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It gets worse ;

'Speaker Mike Johnson said the Supreme Court should “step in” in the aftermath of guilty verdicts for former President Donald Trump on dozens of felony counts in New York.

“I do believe the Supreme Court should step in,” Johnson said on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” on Friday. “I think they’ll set this straight but it’s going to take a while.”

Johnson added of the Supreme Court justices: “I know many of them personally, I think they’re deeply concerned about” faith in the U.S. justice system.’




Jesus Christ.

Not long until someone in government says on Fox, ‘He has a nice family, be a shame if anything happened to them. A man should look afer his family.’


So apparently the GOP official position now is ; We will only accept election results when we win and the rule of law no longer really applies to us because we control the ultimate arbiters in the SC.


I thought it was “it’s my ball and I’m going home”?

This case seems like it’s an overreach, the timings very suspicious . The way this case was brought about, also it No way was bad as the stuff that was brought up in 2016 presidential race… where he ultimately became the president.
A lot of Protesting going to be taken place this weekend across the states … pitchforks and shit,
Not only is Trump’s Rhetoric hitting home in a lot of states, Recently as last month thrump TALKED up another group of people in (cryptocurrency ) no idea here on cryptocurrency, Big bunch this 40 Mill cohort weather theylike him or not,
The main pitch here for this group is that Thumpy will put money in their pocket when he wins the presidential race :face_with_peeking_eye:
It doesn’t help Biden to win the race?

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Prob, joking aside, was in fact Slayer…urghh.

Kerry King’s guitaring is auditory hell.

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The Republican response has been appalling, but expected. They are in thrall to Trump, and they are all stepping up to do his bidding.

This is a 77 year old toddler who, probably for the first time in his life, has just been told, ‘No Donald.’ He has never been held to account for anything, and in this instance, a jury of 12 just heard all the evidence, and Trump and his team had every opportunity to make their case.

They lost, and he is guilty on all 34 counts, and we look forward to seeing what the sentencing will be on July 11th.

Many people say it won’t be custodial, as he is a former President, and it is complicated with the Secret Service detail and so on. Still many others are comparing his crimes to similar, and a custodial sentence is quite normal for this. Further, since he has shown no remorse, and in fact has done the opposite, and is attempting to tear down the judicial system, some would say that it is vital that justice is strong and he sees a custodial sentence.

Personally I think it will be strict house arrest, no internet, cell phone or visitors (he will violate it) and perhaps some community service, where he is made to pick up litter or something like that.

Either way, regardless of sentencing, he will appeal the shit out of it, via any and all spurious means, as that has been the story of his litigious life.

So even if it feels like justice is slowly catching up with him, it isn’t, and Donald’s big D-Day will be the November 5th Presidential Election.

If he wins, all bets are off. All charges and cases against him will vanish, and he will set about a punitive, authoritarian agenda, enriching himself and punishing anyone who gets in his way.

If he loses the election, it is possible the Republican Party might grow a pair, and kick him into touch, as he is a serial loser. At that point the other cases that are pending - more serious than this one, might also gain traction.

It’s all on the election.