The Trials of Donald J Trump

I’ve read 30days is being mooted - strict house arrest

I think anything will give him a victim boost in both campaign donations, legitimacy of election interference and quite frankly voters that are on the fence. That’s 30 days out of 180 where he is physically restricted from campaigning.

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I’ve already addressed that red herring … which you chose to ignore.

But just out of interest then , how would you characterise the assault on the Capitol on Jan 6 , the fake elector schemes across six states and the pressure campaign in Georgia not to certify ? Would they qualify as election interference in your book ?

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Not ignoring, just don’t agree.

No I don’t think that is election interference, I think its result interference, just as bad or worse. The thing is I am seeing things as subjective, there are good explanations and bad. As I have said many times before, its perception which is subjective, so someone that has already agreed to vote for biden will most likely disagree, and vice versa. Its only relevant to people that would not vote along party lines, as they are the coveted votes.

Just got excused from jury duty. As my daughter said last week, “Papa, there’s no way they are going to select someone like you for a jury.” :thinking:


Well I’ve never trusted you, last thing I want is to spend a year in jail for jaywalking.


One of the few times a criminal record comes in handy. :wink:

(Me , not you.)


Elie has been very much an outlier on his takes on this case. That doesnt by itself mean his takes are wrong, but in the full context he needs to be taken with a significant grain of salt.

Firstly, he has recently crossed the line of being so wrong in his takes that the normal rules of decorum have given way to colleagues of him in the media taking the rare step to publicly rebuke and correct him. This is one example

Secondly, he didn’t used to be like this. He has long been a target of criticism from Emptywheel for his willingness to opine without knowledge of the cases he’s discussing, but his turn to essentially pro-trump positions is relatively recent. If I had to make a guess at what is going on with him I would guess he is simply responding, whether consciously or not, to the typical financial incentives. There are a LOT more genuinely talented people out there able to go on CNN and give straight analysis than there are people who give a sheen of impartiality but are still willing to debase themselves by regurgitating RW talking points. CNN feels filling that role is essential and so you have to question if he’s just decided it is a better career move to take that role. I mean it was only a couple of years ago he finished a book focused on the way Barr inappropriately weaponized the DoJ across his multiple stints in office and I’d be interested to see how that sold and whether disappointing sales made him take a heel turn in the hope of finding a new audience.

As for the cases being election interference, they were all in progress well in advance of Trump announcing his candidacy. He chose to run knowing they were present and unless your position is running for office should be a get out of jail free card, then the only two options are to choose not to run/drop out, or take it on the chin and deal with it. To that point, it is worth pointing out that two Dems (that I know of) are currently in the midst of running for reelection while facing criminal charges of their own. No one on their teams or within the Dem party are crying about them being election interference because everyone appreciates such arguments are just a deflection.


All that lawyer stuff is over my head, which is why I think this case is a clusterfuck. For every yay you see, you see a nay. I prefer the good old days like John Wayne Gacy where there was very little, if any, doubt.

If I were VAR, I’d say it’s a pen. Maybe a soft one, but I’ve seen these given.

Well done, boys. Good process.


It amounts to Elie saying the trial was unfair because [RW talking point] the prosecutor didn’t even disclose the crime until closing.

Goodlaw called him out showing the filings where these facts were disclosed

Elie then responded saying “you misquoted me and you have never tried a case so dont come at me”

A bunch of incredibly credentialed former prosecutors then jumped in said “I have, and I can confirm you are talking shit.”

Why do you think the reality of the situation should be related to your understanding of it?


Can I borrow that last sentence? It’s the best I’ve seen since A River Runs Through It.


I live in my own world, and I like it here most of the time. In my reality MC gets kicked out of the PL, unfortunately not before next season.

Ooohh, I’ll get on the “the trial was a hatchet job” train if you can make that happen.


This F—in Guy eh :0)


A step by step rebuttal to the bad faith criticisms of the trial from the right that addresses

  • The charges were obscure using a “novel legal theory”
  • The details of the charges were not revealed until closing arguments
  • The judge told them they didnt need to come to a unanimous verdict to convict him
  • The conduct wasnt particularly important even if it was illegal
  • It was a personal expense not a campaign finance violation
  • It was unfair to do it in Manhattan
  • The judge was conflicted


I don’t understand this one given the Jury came back with a unanimous verdict?


Yes, but [moves goal posts again].

This is a common characteristic of the defenses pro-trump people make - focus on perceived (typically factually incorrect) issues with the process that don’t actually change the facts.


Yeah Ive seen numerous clips of Trump supporters spouting the usual rhetoric since the verdict. All of it well off base on accuracy

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Just as repeating Trump’s stolen election lies was a test of loyalty for Republicans , the same goes now for rubbishing the criminal justice system , on pain of ending their political career.