The Trials of Donald J Trump


Been interesting reading some of the resultant aspects following Trumps conviction.

For example theoretically there’s a whole list of countries he can no longer visit.

He will also have his gun license revoked. That could create some juicy discussion with the US gun lobbyists and so on. No doubt they’ll double down on their double down.

I’m wondering how many times you have to double down before your head disappears up your ass?


Naughty naughty


@Noo_Noo if you get an email from him asking for money, could you please forward it to me? I may use the format to raise some money too. Everyone is doing it!

@SBYM some help please on the last question. Thanks.

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I’ll be putting that towards my Reform candidate application here in the UK because I think millionaires need more wedge and power to bend rules and ignore laws.

Seriously, though I’ve no idea what I’d do if such an email came through. I’d probably put it in the bin but there’s my mischievous side that also likes to play with scammers on Facebook marketplace.

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Although it’s an extremely high bar to clear to get a federal judge booted from a case , you’d have to expect this idiot is sailing dangerously close to it. Incredibly , she’s got another hearing today into another far-fetched motion by the defense to dismiss the charges in the case on the grounds that Jack Smith, the special counsel who filed them last spring, was improperly funded and appointed.

Sensing beforehand that she wasn’t upto the job , before she took the case , more senior jurists tried to talk her out of it , but to no avail.


She is there solely to try to protect Trump. It is appalling. She acts like his lawyer, not a judge. This is an example of where we are heading if Trump is elected. He will bend the justice department completely to his will, whereas at present he is only partly there.


Whether she’s in the tank for Trump or just seriously out of her depth , what it does show is the folly of a system that allows political parties to appoint inexperienced and unsuitable persons to the bench (for life) because they know they are likely to get favourable rulings from them.


TBF, Trump is truly just a pawn in a much larger movement in the USA, seeking to transform government into a christo-fascist dictatorship. The main man behind this is named Leonard Leo.

Leo, and his Federalist Society, are responsible for putting forward all 6 conservative justices now seated on the US Supreme Court, and hundreds of other justices in federal positions throughout America that espouse a hard, right-wing ideology. Aileen Cannon is but one of those hundreds.

Leo has raised billions from wealthy donors to put the hard press on the American judiciary for years, and is one of the main architects of the Project 2025 manifesto, which designs to subjugate all who are not considered “good, white, male Christians.” Yes, women are part of the subjugated group. Just look at what is going on with the overturn of Roe v Wade, and the push to outlaw IVF in many “red” states.

Leo rightly saw that the American populace was getting more and more diverse, and the GOP was losing power as a result. He, and his Federalist Society, devised a plan to take power through the appointment of right wing judges whenever, and wherever possible. Trump is just the latest pawn Leo has used to help insert three conservative justices to SCOTUS, and numerous others at circuit and appellate levels. Trump being able to coalesce a cult of crazies through his fear and hate rhetoric is just icing on the cake for Leo.

If you’ve not read over the Project 2025 manifesto, I urge you to give it a look-see, though it is a bit long. It is a troubling take on what a society should be, IMO, and reads like something Margaret Atwood might have dreamed up for a frightening novel. Perhaps she already has.


I still have no idea why Jack Smith didn’t file the case in DC. You reap what you sow, I suppose.

Amazingly, for all the focus on Trump’s nomination of unqualified judges, she was not one who received that scrutiny. That is not a statement on her suitability for a case like this, but more about how many other bad judges he got through and how many he tried but failed with.

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The point at which his actions turned into chargeable crimes it was happening in Florida. It was a risk that by filing in Florida they would end up with Cannon. But it was a much higher risk that a guilty verdict achieved in DC would be thrown out on appeal for being achieved in the wrong jurisdiction.


By the time Clinton got to appoint RBG in 93, a Democratic president had not put someone on the SC since LBJ. It was a court dominated by Republican appointments, but it as a body failed to deliver the political wins the RW felt they felt they were owed. They even have a term to be “Soutered” meaning to appoint a RW judge only to see them rule as a moderate. The Federalist Society already existed a social club for mediocre law students to complain about how their fuzzy judicial theories were roundly rejected by the elites in law schools and how their liberal peers (who believed in orthodox judicial philosophies) got all the clerkships. They were quickly identified by monied interests as a way of making sure they would never get “Soutered” again.

What they do is not just lead the nomination process, but the way the Federalist Society has worked its way into law schools allows them to grow these fuckers in an Borkian lab, infusing them with all the judicial interpretations they’d need to climb that RW ladder. Even more than that though, they have created a gauntlet they have to run, like a RW Squid Game, whereby people who get through to the end have demonstrated their fealty to the cause more than the rule of law. This means the things that allows them to rise through the FS ranks are not related to their performance in orthodox areas of law, but their track record of rat fucking. I think all of them since Roberts either worked on the Star Inquiry or the 2000 recount. Or in some cases both.


I wrote this above about Ele Honing, a legal analyst for CNN who has taken a right turn into borderline pro-trump positions in the past year or so. It’s worth recalling because this is EXACTLY what the Federalist Society has done for law school students. By providing a career path based on commitment to the ideology it ignores academic success as a criteria for advancement. This not only allows mediocre legal minds to advance through their ranks, it actually attracts them with middle of the road law school students realizing that cosplaying at being a RW crank will open up doors to a career trajectory their academic credential alone would never get them. This is bad not just for the fact of the judiciary being filled with mediocre minds, but people who know they did not achieve their position on merit tend to be a lot more committed to playing whatever role their paymaster demands of them. This is how you get someone like Cannon.


Yo @Alright_Now_Legend
I read it was because if Trumpton had of been found guilty… Holding the trial anywhere else but the state the offence took place - would leave him good grounds for an appeal and/or mistrial

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The 5-4 podcast has a good series about the Federalist Society.


Another really good one is a mini series within Noah Feldman’s Deep Background series called Deep Bench.

I’d imagine 5-4 would be very combative in their take, but what was so fascinating with Feldman’s take was he really tried to be as fair and collegial as he could and still you were left with the clear message of how intellectually dishonest their entire judicial philosophy is.


Been a while since I listened to the 5-4 one but from what I remember they did it more like a documentary and interviewed a former Federalist Society member who was - as most are - drawn in while at college. Charted her move from a “regular” Republican to a hardened Federalist and the methods that the society used in order to push her further and further to the right.

It certainly paints a pretty grim picture of what they envision for the future of the country.


We need an TANSCOTUS with @cynicaloldgit @Klopptimist @Sithbare @Iftikhar @Scott.Jones @Alright_Now_Legend @cynicaloldgit (twice) @SBYM and @Maria as justices.

@Iftikhar will be the junior judge. I am open to impeaching @Sithbare and adding a third @cynicaloldgit.