The Trials of Donald J Trump

Ditch these deplorables.

Are you sure of that? I’d say that he’ll be untouchable until he gets into the grave at some point. He’ll make sure of that while he’s in charge, and I’m quite sure that he’ll not voluntarily relinquish power at any point in time. He’ll be needed to be forced out.

Fortunately, he’s quite old and doesn’t look in great shape. So, ideally, it’s his own death (or senility before that) which will put an end to this.

Na its cool. Theyre good people.

One is a very avid follower of politics and has just got extremely pissed at how everything is going dow hill.

The other again a great bloke, very knowledgable but completely off the reservation with regards to info sources. Biden up to their neck in Ukraine etc.

Its the rest i’m after, they all thought it was funny Trump got in.

Doesn’t compute.

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