The TV Thread redux

In that case I might suggest Paw Patrol or Cocomelon :joy:


Not available. But you can suggest more. You choices are pretty close to mine.

Kaos was fun

Have not seen this before, bit of a crossover between movie and series, thought it was amusing.

Not a bad watch.

Maybe more geared for people who’ve played D&D board games or rpg games like Warcraft etc.

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The last fight scene in that movie is literally like a 5 man dungeon final boss fight.

They nailed the genre etc pretty well without taking themselves too seriously.

I saw it described as Succession without self-aware writing. Think that about sums up what I saw of it.

I just finished Peter Burg’s American Primeval and fuck it was spectacular. It’s about the conflict in Utah among the Federal government, the mormons who claimed the territory for themselves and the native tribes, and the travellers/settlers who get caught up in it. It is the most brutal and violent depiction of the West I think we’ve ever seen so definitely not for everyone. Given that, I dont think it could have sustained more than the 6 episodes it gave us without becoming exhausting, but christ, what a production.

I know Burg was only a producer on the TV version of FNL, but that show took a lot of styling from his film. One of the things it was known for was its poignant shots that lingered on a character as they were going through something emotional as music builds in the background. You get a lot of that here as well, but rather than it being in a scene where a kid finds out he cannot go to college because he just made his girlfriend pregnant, here its someone hugging their child as an arrow goes through the two of them and they take their last breathes in each others arms. If you are a fan of FNL it is a bit jarring when you realize the parallel, but it works just as well in this setting as it does there.

It’s also great to see Taylor Kitsch (FNL’s Tim Riggins) continue to get good roles, and a reminder that the ultimate all American guy is actually from British Colombia :canada:


Related, but has there been another TV show since ER that gave us so many stars?

Kitsch, Jessie Plemmons, Zach Gilford, Jurnee Smollett, you can even include this as being Michael B Jordan’s big break through

Does Band of Brothers count. It’s straddled by ER and only had the one season?

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Sorry, Press Gang gets the credit for Dexter Fletcher.

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the wire went quite well aswell…


Freaks and geeks launched quite a few careers

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Miami Vice has a decent guest star appearance list, im not sure if they were already made stars, or a relative unknowns

Seinfield had a few too…

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MV was pre ER surely.

The Wire, of course.

Madmen introduced me to quite a few; Moss, Hamm, Hendrix, Slattery, Jones etc

The man born with a golden voice… What a Gangster he makes :0)

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Have anyone watched Golden Kamuy?

Only the film.

Which isn’t of much use in this thread.

How is it?

I enjoyed it. Nothing intellectually challenging, of course, but good fun.

Not sure how well it would do as a series, though, as it would really drag on… in my opinion. I note there are five seasons; not sure how they’ve made the story last that long.

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