Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Advantages for all.

As far as man utd are concerned -

  1. Varane is highly injury prone. Sell him quickly where there is still time to get an understudy to Harry Maguire.

  2. England’s best Harry maguire gets another shot at being the partner to Martinez. His strength and calmness to pass it to the opposition will serve as a key foil to Onana and Martinez who have been known to make some errors in judgement by passing to their team mates cleanly.

Goldbridge won’t be happy. lol

That’s a perfect combo to create the ‘Butcher’s Block’

Thierry Henry Football GIF by Beats by Dre

match made in heaven

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The only credit I’d give Harry is that he doesn’t even tackle when he knows he’s too late. No cynicism with him

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And with Harry it’s always too late :wink:

Ah so that is where they draw the line.

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Don’t worry, Saudi Arabia; your “public image” can’t get much lower.


Fucking hell, when even Saudi Arabia won’t touch you for fear of tarnishing their image, you know you’ve become toxic as fuck.

He’s gonna have to play in fucking Chechnya or somewhere at this point.


There is always Russia …

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That “somewhere” might as well be Jakku which is pretty much nowhere (at least according to Luke Skywalker).

---------------------------------All right, that is pretty much nowhere.

I am completely agree with your point and this expands to Richard Arnolds statement.

Although, at times it is hard, I believe in innocence until proven guilty. In this case the media/evidence is provided from one party and without context. That saying, if there wasn’t serious concerns then the Crown Prosecution Service wouldn’t of taken it to court.

So, going back to the statements made from both parties, It is wrong for MG to state he has been cleared or RA to suggest that they believed MG did not commit the offences, in respect of what he was originally charged for, whilst acknowledging they didn’t have all the facts.

As you stated, I believe it is purposeful attempt to smooth over his image and also for Utd. (Their whole statement is wrong) to dismiss the allegations as a way of justifying their consideration into reinstating him. As a billion pound business/institution, with employees/fans of all identities, it really is insulting and dated. The use of honesty/acceptance in PR statements is so reluctant/under stated. If MG in his statement, acknowledged the seriousness of the charges (allegations) brought against him. How, this behaviour is something he does not condone and that as a role model he accepts that he needs to set a better example, to the public and to his daughter, you could kind of accept. However, to try and exonerate/dismiss his alleged actions on the basis that a case is not being brought against him is so regressive.

Additionally, Utd. From the moment the story broke should of invested in raising the awareness of domestic abuse/controlling behaviour. Provided support/drop in centres for people who may want to talk/discuss their issues and have installed an independent panel/committee (not legal or PR) to oversee the handling of the matter and look into the clubs internal affairs at all levels.

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denzel washington cringe GIF

Mrs Maisel GIF by The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

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Wonderful stats in his first two games as a midfielder.

He’s going to get to October without having made a successful pass :joy:

His smart move of reconciling with the complainant has backfired. Had he done that but gone to trial, he probably would have received a very light sentence, likely supervisory rather than custodial. The club could have backed him then as he tried to redeem himself, far more readily than in the current situation where they have actually managed to damage themselves terribly with that hamfisted statement declaring his innocence.