Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Not long enough!

He needs a 10 year extension asap

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Glorious :sweat_smile:

Just watched it, thoroughly enjoyable listening to some absurdly pro-ManU commentary, Hojlund is amazing apparently. Some observations:

i) Martinez was a glorified training pylon today, with the best being Brighton’s 2nd goal. Absolutely amazing, to be so close to an attacker with the ball, and yet put so little defensive pressure on the attacker. Even a pylon would have been more difficult simply by being a stationary object, Martinez actually took himself out of the play.

ii) Rashford is a shadow of the player he was a couple of years ago, and will never become the player he could have been. He is now terminally selfish, preferring to lash the ball into the side netting or a defender’s legs than to find a teammate - a teammate who is open due to the threat that Rashford has created. Clearly no sense of trust in his team. He has ruined his career staying at ManU through this absurd succession of paint-by-numbers managers.

iii) The 3-1 score doesn’t look terrible, but Brighton humiliated ManU. Once they got that first goal, they controlled that match. The goal they gave up was a sequence of errors that didn’t rattle them at all. I think Ten Hag is in real trouble now. The crowd doesn’t trust him anymore, his players don’t appear to believe, and sides know they can simply come into Manchester and dominate ManU


Shades of Olé, really, but I think we can count on your first statement about pro-United commentary to keep him going along in the same vein. They’ll jammy out a win and the ‘corner will be turned’, they’ll win late and it will be ‘the glory days are back because that was just like how it was under Fergie’ and the pundits will cream themselves because that’s what they think that all the frothing United masses want to hear and let’s face it, that *is * what they want to hear and so it will go.

They’ve learned nothing.


That’s interesting, because I noticed the way the BBC edited the highlights on Match of the Day last night. It was made to look like Utd completely dominated the game and Brighton were just bit part players.
Then incredibly, Shearer was blaming the ownership negotiations for the team’s poor form and Ten Hag’s troubles.


Ten Hag is just a Dutch Brendan Rodgers.


matt hardy yes GIF by WWE


Onana is seriously dreadful. Shame.

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Chat GPT says:

Oh, where to start on Manchester United’s loss yesterday? It’s not often we see a team underperforming quite so… enthusiastically.

First off, their defense seemed to think they were playing hide and seek, just that they were a confusing blend of both hiding and seeking, perpetually lost. Whenever the ball came their way, they appeared startled, like they’d never seen such an entity before.

The midfield was maybe dabbling in some existential crises. To pass or not to pass - that seemed the question. When they did decide to pass, it was often to phantom teammates, or maybe to spectators who looked vaguely interested.

And then, the strikers. Or, as I prefer to call them, the slowpoke trifecta needing a GPS to locate the net. Their efforts appeared less like ‘attempts to score a goal’ and more like ‘modern interpretive dance routine’.

But let’s not forget their goalkeeper. He certainly made a good attempt at the ‘statue imitating a player’ routine. I’m all for innovative strategy but maybe the goal post isn’t the best place for a casual nap?

Yes, it was definitely a game that will…shall we say…remain in the annals of history, remembered fondly by all other teams who didn’t have to endure that 90+ minutes! Honestly, I haven’t seen that many misplaced balls since the last easter egg hunt I attended. It’s as if they thought the game involved launching the ball anywhere but the opponent’s goal. Hmm, maybe someone should hand them a rule book before the next game?


“About as useful as a hazelnut condom with a girlfriend who has a nut allergy”

“As greedy as a mosquito in a blood bank”

Should we be reporting Goldbridge to the authorities as a potential person of interest?


Only if not being funny is now considered a crime, in which case I think we should be burning the jokes thread :wink:

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Excited Gold GIF

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Says the person throwing up plenty of laughter reactions (don’t think I didn’t notice :rofl:)

I was thinking a leaner Martin Jol but that works too

5 games in and we already have more than double United’s points.

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Except, of course, that he cost more than his City counterpart.

Or so the imbeciles in the media will tell you.

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happy yas GIF by I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! Australia

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I don’t know about you but listening to ManU fanshows rip their side never gets old


All true but I’d add Fernandes to that list. They’ve tried and tried to build a midfield and a team round him but his work rate is awful and his character has got to be questioned.

Honestly, I’d be looking to off load him. He’s poisonous. I’d be willing to wager the whole attitude issues stem from him.