Those jammy fuckers down the M62

I’m salivating at the thought of Dave Brailsford sitting himself down in the caf on the first day telling them all they need to weigh how many blueberries they can have on their granola.

His methods worked in the ultra Type-A world of professional cycling by controlling every minute aspect of their lives. Gonna go down like a lead balloon with that bunch of lazy, B-grade plonkers.

‘Oi! Shaw!! Put down the biscuit!!’

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Fernandez questioning Brailsfords methods

que GIF

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No doubt that when they have the rotten situation they have at the top of the club, it must be felt beneath also. But, what happens beneath also needs to show a certain standard. I thought Hag had a pretty positive first season at United. He deserved to be backed in better circumstances. Then, the whole owners saga dragged on and now it seems like it might not even be solved as it was hoped (Glazers completely out). Not to mention that they then need to find the right footballing structure, etc. But Hag himself needs to be careful not to lose his job in the mean time. Oh well, let them bleed.

Give them to anyone these days.

Star Trek Wow GIF

If you are doing the kind of defending that get’s Harry Maguire Player of the month, then something is going horribly wrong.

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Yeah - ours are terrible!!! We need a new back 4!!! FSG, are u listening!!!

ETH is still picking McTominay to start. When he’s sacked off in a few weeks, you can point to those late goals by McTominay as the beginning of the inevitable end for ETH.

Haha @Ratboy

Reports about a Sancho/Malen swap deal.

Great, another average Dutch player that Ten Hag knows. :+1:


Looks like they’ve turned a corner.

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New title…

Ryan Gosling Clap GIF

That’s actually me. I look like that.

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It’s beautiful. The only players he’s getting a tune out of are the ones who arent good enough to take them to the next level under the next manager, but their performances now extend out the inevitable with the current guy and give them credit in the bank to cause confusion whenever the new guy comes in.


I bet none of us had Scotty T keeping Utd out of the relegation zone on their bingo cards in July.

You know these might even be bannable. He damn near had a hat trick.

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Should beat Bournemouth at the weekend but then again Bournemouth’s form isn’t particularly slanted home or away.

With Man Utd’s win tonight they are back to being the joint best form team in the league (12 from 15). Give him a new contract!


You can’t ban me! I can handle things! I’m smart! Not like people think….like dumb….

I’m smart and I WANT RESPECT!!!