UEFA Champions League 2020-21

I live in a heavy Chelsea area and they are all out in their Chelsea shirts (odd you never see them), so I’m really torn who wins like as I want the ref to.

A big standard 0-0 and penalty shootout would be fine

I just wish they could both lose.
Or 1-1 and the Spanish team wins the penalty shoot out, Oh shit that’s already happened and there’s no Spanish team. :cry:


Thing about Wednesday is you would have had a slight disappointment, you can’t in this as I said MLS for me

I can’t stand Chelsea. Abramovich is a dodgy man and they are artificially inflated, albeit they did a lot of that before FFP. They have a massive network of loanees and are gaming the system in their own way, though not to the extent that Man City are. Chelsea fans seem like knuckle dragging Neanderthals, and what immediately comes to mind is their racism - I can’t forget when their fans blocked that black fella on the tube; and also their anti-scouse fervour - I remember a well heeled barrister type piling into us, and then worrying about losing his job as he was filmed.

So, in short, I can’t stand Chelsea.


Man City are even more detested! They have taken all the dodgy stuff that Chelsea do to even further extremes, gaming the system, and riding roughshod over FFP. The whole outfit, from top to bottom, is a sport washing exercise for Abu Dhabi. The ruling family runs Man City, and/or is hands on, via proxy, with the younger brother listed as owner, and the Chairman involved with the ruling family in all manner of things.

They have built their country with a vast army of modern day slaves, and they are exerting power and influence in the region, for example, by the devastating war on Yemen. Owning Man City is, for them, but a drop in the financial ocean… and it is money well spent to keep the slathering masses talking about what is happening on the pitch, rather than elsewhere.

In terms of sporting potential, I want Man City to lose today. They are probably the best team in Europe at present, unfairly assembled of course, but there remains a doubt in their minds about whether they can win on the European stage.

If they get their first CL trophy I fully expect a second and a third to be added in the next few years.

So hopefully they lose, and the hand wringing and introspection can run all summer…


Two plastic club, I have better things to do, watching my paint dry


One of them slipping and missing it would be sweeter.

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Abraham doesn’t even make the bench. But 2 keepers.


Would say Chelsea are the lesser evil. They won (bought) it before so it wouldn’t be something completely new.

City not winning it tonight would be funny.


It’s a lose-lose situation, but on the positive side one of them is going to lose after reaching this far… so that’s my win-win situation! Right? :unamused:


Undecided, been in the final 4 times since 2005, dont like the two newbies. Then i see Walker and Sterling warming up and decide to wish for a ZSKA London win.

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WTF ? Pepsi presenting a buckethead parody…

Ok Werner, stick to under 25 offsides and you will win tonight.


Plastic manc cunts waiving plastic flags. Disgusting sight.

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The sun is out, so think I’ll go and watch the grass grow


Come on Mikey, they are practically handing him to you on a platter. Put in a sneaky bid, 15 mil plus some add-ons. :sunglasses:


Wow, Werner is so shit. Abrahams would have slotted that away.


Werner kicks the ball against his own leg instead of tapping it in. What a shit player he is.

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All those dirty little fouls committed by the baby blue shite.

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Werner. lol.

EDIT: now that I made this post, I’m sure he will have the last laugh on me. :man_facepalming:


Werner would slot one in one of these days. Would be good to do it today though. Haa.

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