UEFA Champions League 2020-21

Yeh, probably first time I really don’t feel like watching. City are the worst option, absolutely despise them and everything they represent. Let’s not forget they shouldn’t even been in the competition this season, and their FFP case will probably ruin football forever. That said, the alternative isn’t much better.

Ah well, at least the UEL final was much more enjoyable.


Don’t remember if I was ever so disinterested about a CL final. I would be happy to see Warner and Sterling missing sitters and moaning about imaginary fouls. Wouldn’t mind if KdB and Giroud scores some blinders, I like those blokes.

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I utterly hate and despise man cheaty for several obvious reasons from the owners down. I merely detest the chavs because of Abramovich and their racist fans. It’s very much a lose-lose situation this game, but a cheaty loss would be particularly sweet.


It’s a big shame that one of these shady bastards will win it, maybe they should bend the cup to match how bent the winning club is.


What’s he complaining about? This match isn’t going to be an oasis for anyone.


Fuck off Noel and take your massive square head with you, you cunt.


It’s our fault for fucking up against RM!


Totally disagree. I can remember the time before this rule and it was rubbish. Away teams (and we weren’t innocent of this), would not venture out of their own halves. There were so many tedious 0-0 games in the first leg. In those days you could pass back to the goalie too, so that’s all the away teams would do for 90 minutes. The away goals rule was a definite improvement, along with the backpass rule it livened up both legs no end.


Oh, don’t misunderstand, I’ll enjoy the football if I watch no matter from which team (I sometimes even enjoy football played by direct rivals in the Prem, as long as it is entertaining), it is just that I hope that Chelsea beats them in the end :slight_smile:

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Yep, it’s a backward step in my opinion. The away goal rule was brought in to encourage teams to try to score away from home, instead of settling for 0-0. Now we’ll see European teams ‘parking the bus’ at Anfield, albeit ‘left hand drive’ ones.


I don’t mind away goals, just isn’t fair if you can have extra time in the second leg.

Didn’t know that Churchill is still alive and a City fan. :joy:


European football has changed since then mind.

I guess we will see but I have a feeling it won’t change much anymore.

Luke Shaw, secret citeh fan.

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Apparently Churchill only likes the first few swigs of beer?

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I really couldn’t give two shits about the result tonight. Sure it would be funny if Pep and the human rights abusers miss out again. But I hope upon all hope Chelsea aren’t leading by 3 or more goals, City come back and their victory is compared to Istanbul.

Fuck that for a joke. Stock standard city win I could just about stomach.


But goals scored in extra time are not judged differently whether you are home or away are they?

I sent the Ewan Mackenna article to my City supporting friend here. I also piled on with some FFP stuff, which the article didn’t cover. I told him I love the game and usually I will watch a massive game like the CL final and be charitable enough about good football, even if it’s not my team Liverpool, but what City are doing is something else again.

It’s his big day, he is a college lad and a City fan of the last few years, and this is their biggest game. In some ways it felt wrong to put a turd in his punch bowl, on today of all days, but on the other hand, people need to know what they are drinking.

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Fair enough.