UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Yes it does. YOU are responsible for YOUR children, simple. Can’t afford it, don’t fuck.

Well, I’d give examples as to why you’re wrong but hey it’s just another of my stories. Want yesterday’s? In Morrisons local shop near me. mum buys budget bread. juice, margarine, jam and 80 Rothams Blue. But then I’m making it up as that’s just a Daily Mail story. And for reference, the kids looked like they really could have done with a cooked breakfast and a massive roast dinner. Should she have her kids taken off her as they’re being obviously neglected or should Boris just give mum more money?

I’ve had about 9 hours sleep in the last 4 days due to crazy work schedule. Started at 5 this morning, currently driving back from Barrow, might be back at work for 11. Then unpack the van, then secure, then drive home, 12:30 finish if I’m lucky then a lie in till 7am to drive to London. I currently have the square root of fuck all patience for anybody not working as long and hard as me.

The thing about stereotypes is…….

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Quite the opposite here, my parents desperately wanted me to go to university but for reasons I didn’t. I got a job and did 12-18 hour days for 10 years. You can understand then why my base stance is hard work pays off.

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It’s almost as if you’re not reading…

Yes, obviously spending precious money on smoking when you’re poor is obviously a fucking stupid to do. The women herself also probably knows it’s fucking stupid too, but that’s the nature of decision making under stress, not to mention chemical addiction.

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But again, here you are judging other people from the position of having made it.

It’s really great that you did 12 hour days for ten years. But I guarantee that there are loads of people who have worked just as hard as you did who remain stuck through nothing more than bad luck.

For a great many young women, it really isn’t that simple, is it?

Stress, another excuse. Odd that the VAT man, business rates man, suppliers, utilities, insurance, van hire, council, fire brigade etc etc etc don’t accept that as an excuse for me not doing 8 billion jobs.

But just blame the government because they impregnated your girlfriend and so I’m financially responsible.

The right thing want personal responsibility. The left don’t because you can’t possibly blame people for being shit. I can, and I will,

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YES, arggghhh!!!

Sorry, do please explain why that’s unbelievable? Need a better line than a throw away comment that adds little.

Minimum wage £10 per hour? 60 hours per week? £2400 a month? £30k a year ish? Mate of mine does exactly that, nice house too. Doesn’t have kids yet as he can’t afford them.

You’ve got to stop writing off things that you don’t understand as excuses.

School mate of mine already had two kids and another on the way by the time I went to Uni and lost touch with her.

Fuck knows why she had three kids before she was twenty. Maybe she was feckless and too stupid to use contraception. Maybe it was a devious plan to get the state to pay for her a house?

Or maybe it was that she had no hope or expectations out of life because neither did her mum, was seeking male approval through sex in the absence of a father figure, and was in (what was clearly in retrospect) a psychologically, and quite likely, physically abusive relationship with a much older lad.

We can trade stories all you like. The fact is you can’t view all people on the basis of your own confirmation bias. There is a world out there - try approaching it with empathy?


No, I don’t have to do anything except breathe eat and drink, After that it’s down to personal choice.

The afore mentioned grand mother in law had bombs raining down on her in the war. Stress in today’s first world Britain? Comparatively? Not having it. We’ve become (the royal we) far too soft, I’m very happy to say man the fcuk up. Or woman up, whatever. But pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, that’s why I like America so much, get on and get ahead by personal graft and endeavour. You won’t work for it? You can’t have it.

Did you miss biology lessons at school?

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America. Hyper-capitalism is working out so well for them over there.


Because everybody else has it so hard and I have it so easy. Yeah. No.

Can we agree that a person is absolutely responsible for their own action?

It’s the mentality, those who strive, achieve. Simple.

If we can agree that their actions are shaped by multiple factors which are not entirely with their control.


Can you give me an example of any action that a person can take that’s beyond their control please? Given they have a reasonable sound mind?