UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

It also contradicts (again) his earlier denial to the House that he was aware of any parties, regardless of whether they were work events or not. I think it is just a matter of tactics whether not a motion to find him to be in contempt of the House is put forward.


You nailed it :joy:

Thereā€™s a very good chance that the GLP will be ordered to pay the governmentā€™s costs when the Judge comes to consider the consequential matters. I wonder whether the GLP will broadcast that so visiblyā€¦

Nobody should be surprised that Boris Johnson has misled Parliament. He has been doing that for two years.

I would like Starmer to call Johnson a liar in Parliament, and then when called to retract, refuse and walk out, joined by the entire opposition benches. That would be a powerful statement.


So, it wonā€™t happen.

In any case, Iā€™m not sure it benefits Labour politically to have a quick end to this affair. A long, slow twisting of the knife makes it more likely that the stink will stick to the whole Conservative Party, rather than just Boris Johnson. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the whole affair was swept under the carpet quickly once Johnson gets removed.

I think I saw a poll by YouGov that had 56% of people thinking Johnson should resign, and another poll (canā€™t remember who) with 67%. You donā€™t need to push him any further than has already happenedā€¦

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To distract from the PPE conversation a bit, as someone who is now an outside to UK politics, can someone explain to me WTF is going on with Michael Fabricant? He looks like heā€™s a character in a Fastshow rebootā€¦when Suits You Sir becomes a politican.

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Heā€™s odious. Fabricunt.

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I missed theseā€¦
No,it didnā€™tā€¦ :lying_face:
No, you didnā€™tā€¦ :lying_face:
:pound: :pound: :pound: :pound: :pound: :pound: :pound: :pound: :pound:

For clarity: thereā€™s a huge difference between something being ā€œillegalā€ (a criminal offence) and ā€œunlawfulā€ (a civil wrong). A difference that Maugham should be fully aware of.

It also wasnā€™t set up to channel contracts to mates of the government. Something that is very under reported is that this VIP (fast track) lane was for referrals from all MPsā€¦from all parties. Referrals that came from across all parties.

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Which is still wrong, no matter who the party is. That said, the cynical would suggest that the ā€œall MPsā€¦from all partiesā€ bit was probably their idea of covering it up ā€“ ā€œbut Labour did it tooā€! Iā€™m not aware of any contracts that have gone to recommendations from Labour MPs, perhaps you could point out where that has happenedd?

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That would be quite a task to look into. Iā€™ve still got to respond to @WeeJoe arguing that the UK test and trace didnā€™t work, whereas the German one did - something Iā€™ve collected the necessary information on but not yet reviewed in order to respond!

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And just in case it isnā€™t clearā€¦

:rofl: :+1:

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I think it might be Liz Truss.

I think that might have been just a wee bit clearer than intendedā€¦which side did it come from?

I imagine the opposition benches but the way the Conservative backbenchers are feeling right now itā€™s impossible to be sure!

Actuallyā€¦I also shouldnā€™t rule out the Speakerā€¦ :rofl:

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I rather think it absolutely was.

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In Ottawa, there is a camera/microphone above the door opposite the Speaker. if it exists in Westminster, that would be an absolutely brilliant feed to see. Heads must surely have turned.

This is the closest Iā€™ve come to finding something. I think a comprehensive list hasnā€™t been published yet?

So far, seems to be Conservative peers, MPs, or ministers, and the former head of the Royal College of Nursing.

EDIT: The linked NAO report doesnā€™t name names either.


But heā€™s another that has a ropey relationship with the truth


Sorry answered above. Wasnā€™t he behind the academy idea?

Iā€™ve heard the 1922 Committee have met this afternoon.

Incoming letters on incompetence.

So very wrong that these people are actually in charge from the shadows.

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