UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Apparently they’re all out on the piss in London tonight. Wonder who’s going to go full Will Smith.

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There is still the issue of May elections. Presumably nothing will happen until after that.

Maybe unless they feel that a change would give them a better result?


That’s slightly unfortunate timing, after Bojo was taking the piss out of trans people at a dinner last night.

Notable, however, that he remains completely silent on the primary reason why a driver is not permitted to leave the scene after an accident.

I should know this. Is it incase 3rd parties are injured? I don’t know whether that was an issue here.

Being pissed and clearing off is a more likely reason.

Not to him coming out as trans, or suffering from being raped.

He did crash his car into a lamp post, presumably while pissed, and did a runner - claiming later to have been suffering from PTSD - it isn’t clear whether he is claiming the PTSD was a result of his attack, although it’s reasonable to assume so.

I’d be inclined to show compassion through what must have been a terrible time.


I’d argue Boris got in the way rather than Brexit. His apathy cost lives. 5 missed Cobra meetings, on holiday etc.


Aren’t they the same thing?

Not for me. Certainly related though. My point being that even without Brexit, with Boris leading the country we still would have been in a mess.

Worth noting he’s pretty much screwed up everything he’s touched since becoming PM, probably before that too.

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Also pretty much screwed everything as well.

No Boris, no Brexit.
No Brexit, no Boris.


So you saying thank god for Boris then?

Bemoaning a double disaster would be more accurate


Lol I know what you mean, it’s just a sad reflection of today’s political choices that Boris was the only one who some people felt resonated with the discord that many felt , I voted for brexit, but I wouldn’t vote Tory, but I can understand why some did at the time, the truth is to quote a saying “the useful idiot has served his purpose” I honestly feel next election will be the ideal time to break the same old tired two party system we have settled for and hopefully see new political parties emerge…wishful thinking I know but…one can hope

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