UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

See, once again you’re acting like the petulant child that you tend to be when you know that you have nothing to stand on, and that you’re utterly wrong.

Your burying your head in the sand about the false equivalence about the matters, instead of actually proving why there is a reason to equate them, is telling about how facetious the “scandal” was.

Actually, wasn’t it because of “new evidence”, that was submitted to the police by Richard Holden, as per this article?

That the article points out, was grossly misleading? The Durham police have a reason to investigate, but to suggest that there was any equivalence, is a little off.

Err…what? I’ve already been through this. It’s a tad tiresome to keep repeating myself.

This is the stuff that’s important.


Like the Morrison LNP, this Tory government is absolutely hopeless, even on the scale of recent Tory governments.


The Times reporting that Johnson wanted Sue Gray to drop the report.

But he’s so innocent!

Yes it is. Totally.

But this kind of stuff simply does not stick to Johnson, because a) it’s too complicated for most people to understand exactly what the problem is and b) people struggle to identify with the injustice of it.

Partygate is important, because in a career characterised by lying, corruption, infidelity, bullying, nepotism and irresponsibility, and just basically getting away with it, it’s the first time he has looked vulnerable.

I disagree.

For me, it’s important, because of the basic principle of, you do not get to make the rules and break them willy-nilly. There has to be accountability for those in power.

Can’t agree here. They’re shite human beings with a monkey in a suit for a leader but they’re not hopeless. The whole world is currently fucked, not just us.

Wow. Guess you set the bar much, much lower than me!

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‘However, those present say that it was instigated by Johnson, who gathered staff around, poured drinks and made a speech for his departing head of communications, Lee Cain – though staff in the press office already had regular Friday wine. Attendees said Johnson stayed for up to 25 minutes.’

Still, less than half the time Starmer stood around mixing with people whilst swigging beer and eating a takeaway.

Seriously, both are questionable but equally irrelevant trivialities.

The report will be handed into No10 tomorrow morning. Can we expect Johnson to be defending himself tomorrow afternoon in the House ?

It’s not about the time though, is it? That’s totally irrelevant.

It’s about the nature of the event. Starmer can legitimately claim that buying in a takeaway for him staff during an election campaign is a legitimate part of work activity. Johnson can’t make this claim with leaving do’s, birthday parties and bring your own booze socials.

But, I think you already know this.

You forgot the part where you mention how the other side is more hopeless than the Tories. :wink:

  1. Johnson was literally at his place of work. Starmer wasn’t. He was hundreds of miles away!
  2. A ‘leaving do’ with limited refreshments was entirely within the rules providing social distancing guidelines were followed. Starmer, however, had no legitimate excuse for being hundreds of miles away. There was a campaigning exemption in the rules but it was limited to two people, not the 15 plus up in Durham.
  3. There is a problem about how both political parties initially described the events. Labour said the meal and drinks weren’t pre-planned and that Rayner wasn’t there; both shown to be false. Johnson has said that there wasn’t a party on 13 November. I’m not sure how you’d describe a leaving do but it would certainly require a bit more of a detailed response than hiding behind what anyone may or may not deem to be a party.
  4. The curry and beer in Durham happened at the end of the day. There was no work scheduled to take place afterwards.

Seriously, do you not even see the hypocrisy of you defending Starmer whilst pilloring Johnson over the 13 November leaving do?

Nobody seems to have asked themselves just what the fuck Starmer was even doing there? Hundreds of miles away from his place of work and his constituency.

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Here’s a leaked copy of his speech.

I…I…I…deeply humbled and ashamed. Police fine paid in full…World beating vaccine programme!..Captain Hindsight o…o…over there…(something Latin)…I…I…I recognise the hurt caused…resolved to work harder to put right…apologise if you are offended…Got the big calls right!..not my intention to mislead the house…Labour want to rejoin the EU!!!..Cost of living…appreciate its hard for working people…Labour spending!..(more Latin here)

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He is the leader of the opposition campaigning during a by-election. There would be more questions if he wasn’t there.

Reasonably necessary for him and Rayner to travel hundreds of miles up to Durham? Hmmm…

That goes without saying. Labour are not just hopeless right now, they’re powerless and pointless. But that’s not the point at hand.