UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Some sort of healing process for the country might involve an admission from Brexiteers that the whole thing has been an absolute car crash from start to finish, it’s plunged the country into a series of catastrophic existential crises, and it was not, is not, and can never be the delusional fantasy that existed in their heads when they blithely strolled into the voting booths back in 2016.


Which fantasy? The one of it being plain sailing? Can’t remember thinking or saying that. The one of it being painless? Nope. The one of “oven ready” deals and buckets of cash for the NHS? Nope. Don’t lump all BREXIT voters into the same group as we voted for very different reasons. I like bent bananas and non-standard sized apples.

Every single word of Starmer’s suggests this. His mantra will be “grow, grow, grow”. There was nothing in what Reeves said about wealth inequality, supporting the most vulnerable etc. Affordable public transport is an absolute no brainer in combatting climate change and cost of living crisis. The only people that benefit from private ownership is share holders and execs.

There is no political left wing in the UK anymore. Brexit has left us with centre-right Starmer and extreme-right Truss.

Starmer advised by Peter Mandleson who once said not to worry about working classes because “they’ve nowhere else to go”.

Policies like shipping the worlds most vulnerable people to Rwanda would formerly have been seen as racist and fascist. They’re now mainstream. And Labour have acquiesced in this since Corbyn

Starmer is certainly not the right wing stooge that the left portrays him as. He does understand inequality and fairness.

His problem is that he is an arch pragmatist, who will put forward a policy programme based on what he thinks will appeal to the centre ground. I think he is wrong on that. Corbyn’s policies were never the problem.


Arch pragmatism = standing for nothing.

I did leadership training recently, encouraging delegates of the importance of leading from a value-base. Having clear principles that underlie decision-making. That’s the basis of integrity.

Say what you like about Corbyn, but everyone knew what he stood for

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Given how strongly he is both liked and disliked, I would think this statement is not correct.


Excuse Me What GIF by Idols Global



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I would argue that @redfanman is right on this. How many people knew what he actually stood for, or what Labour actually stood for, compared to the caricature that the Murdoch/DMGT rags put out?

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Fuck the Labour party infighting shits me. Tit for tat sabotaging is pathetic. Did Rebecca Long-Bailey approach and try to work with Starmer before firing a shot across the bow with her announcement yesterday?

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The sentence should have been worded better to avoid confusion and I hope there is no doubt left in the below correction:

Just like Leavers in 2016, I am wanting something to happen politically for very selfish reasons. And that is for Sunak to be voted in.

A very good elderly friend of ours (a Boomer) once told us that they were voting Brexit as they were convinced that Brexit would bring about higher house prices for the property they were about to put on the market- their logic was deeply flawed as they were looking to buy in the same area - but really this proves that Leavers were only thinking about the short-term economic benefits to themselves.

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No, it proves that that leaver was only thinking about themselves. And I thought I was the master of global application of personal anecdotes.


nvm. As you were

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Hey mate, currently sorting out the jungle at the side of my house so will look at this later. Is this a victory by the GLP? That’s already quite confusing… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe he meant fish, not selfish. Or shellfish.

Yup, I’ll get my coat.

Come on. I thought that was a good first effort. I even got the ‘good friend of ours’ part just to sow the trust into the story.


What announcement?

For what it’s worth, I’ve always found her rather intellectually vacant… Not sure if it’s the right impression or not but it is what it is…