UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Hope so, but it hasn’t stopped him trying. There is something increasingly dark with Johnson that really bugs me. Things like this aren’t the thoughts of a blubbering fool. This is something different.

Decided his idol is no longer Churchill but Cromwell?


Vladimir-Zhirinovsky springs to mind.

PS I had to look that up


Braverman is a fucking disgrace to the profession.


Since he’s no longer going to be PM what good would this do him.Is this a request from the party for him to do it and what ,if anything ,will be his price for doing it.

Wallace and Tugendhat endorsing Truss? Just how little do they think of Sunak?!


What, you think Boris John’s last day is September 6th?

Norwich to hold protests against Boris' Brexit parliament suspension | Eastern Daily Press

My admiration for Tugendhat was extremely short lived

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If anyone is still in doubt that the ‘culture wars’ are entirely manufactured by the right for political gain/distraction


I’ve learned that, as a general rule, I simply ignore anyone that insists on using “woke” as a pejorative. It’s a remarkably efficient cretin filter.


I do agree that they voted for a variety of reasons. I do know that many voted as they did for the wrong reasons. I discussed the issues with a group of Brits in the 40/ 50 age bracket and some of the reasons I got were unbelievable.
" because my dad did" " we want to get rid of all these ******** ( racist remark) " we did not understand it so we just voted for Boris" etc etc. So many people did not know what they were voting for and what the consequences could / would be. Despite all that and the lack of any sensible opposition put up by Cameron the margin was still very small.
No one has yet been able to give me a sensible answer as to how the UK is gong to benefit from Brexit. Politicians are on TV frequently spouting about how strong the UK economy is and how the cost of living problems are just as bad across the EU. Both of these statements are lies but people who do not want to hear any different just lap it up.

I guess Brexiteers should be quite concerned about this. All of those unelected peers making our laws. :thinking:

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As long as they’re British unelected peers there’s nothing to worry about.

I’ve always felt that the upper chamber should be unelected.

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What purpose do you think it should serve, though?

If it’s those with technical expertise, senior lawyers and the like, I can see the point of an apolitical chamber. The problem is that Britain does not have the mechanism for apolitical appointments.

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Yes, that’s exactly it. It should be constituted of experts from across professions, sciences, civil service, health, industries, charities, associations, arts, society in general.

The mechanism is there but it’s misused, imo.


Depending on the way they are appointed, it could work.

My biggest issue is the life and hereditry positions. If they were appointed on say a 10 year appointment without the chance of a 2nd appointment, it would allow for those in there to have enough time to effectively ensure the government is kept in check, but new blood is brought in to ensure that it remains ralivent - and it needs to be politically neutral - no chance can you have former politicians in there as they will simply fuck it up - much like they have done with the house of commons