UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

That’s the problem. It is guaranteed to lead to cronyism.

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Only a ramainer would take issue with the house of lords and point this out, but when it’s mentioned about the EU it’s all a love in :joy:

The Sunak husting was £20 a ticket. It’s now free :rofl:

Was that the one you were invited to? Did you accept - is that why the price dropped? :wink:

I actually see the Lords as a useful backstop to make sure extreme governments dont do something stupid. Here we have Johnson intending to wreck that and basically legalise bribery but that’s apparently ok for you. Kind of odd that Brexiteers call it out as a main reason for leaving but this is getting a free pass (so far). Are you sure you have your priorities in order?

As far as the EU is concerned I saw the benefits outweighing the cons. Cons that we had opportunities to influence change in. All gone now, decision is done. Just wanting a government to make the best of a shit show thus far.


Yeah, was invited but not going. Swimming with the kids a much better option.

The EU wasn’t perfect, but the democratic deficit in the UK was always much greater than the EU.


What do you base that on? :thinking:

Oh! wait just had a message from Ursula! :see_no_evil:

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Reality. We have an unelected second chamber, stuffed full of political appointments. Every step of the way in the EU legislative process is subject to a degree of democratic accountability. That more than can said for the UK.


Latest bail out

Wow! Bulbs are really expensive these days :hushed:

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Must have been a multipack.

Elec bill just dropped in, a tad under £400 per month. Oh the joy. This is going to absolutely destroy hundreds of thousands of people’s lives this winter.

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Maybe Semper Augustus has been brought back from the dead?


Bills tend to be lower during the summer months.Scary to think how high they’re gonns ho to when heating etc is really needed during the winter .

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Every single word out of his mouth drips with insincerity.

Whenever he says something about the struggles of working people etc, my arsehole starts to itch.


You can get a cream for that.

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